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  1. L

    Dabs making chest feel weird?

    Honestly it just sounds like you got too high man. I've experienced so many body sensations while ripped off dabs. Just take it easy. I've been there when you freak out because you're feeling something and that feedback loop in your brain just sets off a fight or flight response which ends up...
  2. L

    Who will be allowed to grow in florida?

    I see that for some of you there is a confusion between the bill passed in 2014 and what Florida just passed, which is amendment 2 and it doesn't clearly dictate who can and cannot be a grower. There's going to be discrepancy between the language of the amendment and what reality will be, for...
  3. L

    Florida Amendment 2

    The 30 year thing is for grow ops for low THC cannabis from the bill passed in 2014, not for Amendment 2. As of yet we do not know who in fact will be able to grow, operate a dispensary, etc. However, knowing this state the way that I do, I would assume the worst. I'd rather be able to do what I...
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    how do i go about getting my medical marijuana card in florida?

    I feel like t his law will take forever to implement and hardly anyone will be growing and there won't be enough for patients. That being said I have incredible interest as an entrepreneur to become a grower. The reality as someone who wants to start up a small business seems less likely in this...
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    Harlequin x J.T.R. @ week 6 bloom

    Nope, this is Pennywise if I remember correct. Jack Skellington is (Killer Queen X JTR)
  6. L

    The Weed Nerd~

    Hey Sub, I think the reason why it got pulled is the Chili Peppers you play at the beginning of the video. Just thought I'd point that out. They're under the Warner label. Huge fan btw :)
  7. L

    TGA By Others

    I can't wait to try Vortex someday. Sub I've been growing your gear out now for about a year, the closest thing I'm running right now to Vortex is the Apollo 13 BX. Here are some shots of the best A13bx I found out of 5 females that I just finished harvesting. My first time running her. I love...