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  1. J

    Cloning no ph down

    I have a pretty good success rate cloning in rockwool and I've always ph to 5.5 but my ph pen stop working on me. So my question will I run into problems if I don't ph water for my rockwool cubes?
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    i fed today with 1/2 tbsp to a gallon of old age bloom.. I'm thinking she was hungry for nutes since its been about 3 weeks since last feeding with old age grow
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    T8 light fixture

    What will cover more space? 2x 6 light fixture or 6x 2 light fixture
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    Spots on my cucumbers

    i have been under watering them not on purpose ofcourse.. I did spray them with 1tbsp bak soda to gal water 3 days ago. Any help and tips would be nice
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    No space for these

    I kept my best looking clones for this summer and threw the rest outside.. I'm in norcal and still gets pretty cold at night but I'm sure they'll pull thru
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    new to buying seeds

    ok I've never grown from seed always clones but I'm trying to get my hands on some super silver haze seeds.What strains do you guys recommend? Is there a seed company that ships to California?
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    What are these spots?

    Ive never had this problem before so I'm wondering what's causing this
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    I know fore sure I have thrips and I'll be spraying them with neem oil tonight.. will thrips cause them to have curly shoots?
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    Spring harvest norcal?

    im trying a spring harvest for the first time this year. Has anyone tried it and how did it turnout?
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    Drooping leaves HELP

    Most of my plants look like this?
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    Why my girl looks sad

    What causes leaves to droop?
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    Quick help please

    What to do about my ducting sweating inside my tent?
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    Humidity problems

    I woke up this morning and noticed my humidity level was in high 80s. Most of my plants were a little droopy. Did the high humid level cause my plants to do that?
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    Quick help please

    I changed my light cycle to 20/4 I was running 24/0 for a few weeks. Is that ok to do?
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    Any help or comments is appreciated

    I wanted to share my 4x8 tent garden with everyone. Feel free to leave a comment thank you.