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    Marshydro Led grow...

    If I added another 300 watt LED do you think it would cover the space well enough
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    How much more light do you think I will need?
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Would a 1600 Mars II hydro on a 5 foot light moving rail be sufficient light to sustain 6-8 plants and enough to yeild 3lbs out of a 4x8 grow tent?
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    The leafs aren't yellow on the sides yet just a shade of green out in normal light only thing iv noticed is the stems seems to be weaker and thinner then on my express that grew without the mag/cal def
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    Yes he new growth is slightly effected but iv added calmag to my nute list with my earth juice and I am hopefing for the best! My PH has been 5.8-6.2 every time mostly staying at 6 the growth speed seemed good but the discolor in leafs and stems had me worried so I think I caught the def about...
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    I'll upload some better photos don't feel they are that bad and I think it was only a magnesium def Iv been growing in coco and I read it is common in coco and it looks alot like what I am experiencing I have added calmag to my earth juice feed and hopefully it will clear up
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    okay so the plants are under a 300w Led about a month old strain is vortex i feed them earth juice nutes EJ grow every watering catalyst every other watering meta-k and microblast every 2 weeks i mix nutes PH to 6 for the ReadyGro aeration i grow in (6 is what is recommended) they are in a 2x4x5...
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    HELP! i need help diagnosing my cannabis plants!

    perlite would help, my soil has wood chips and such in it and and forest floor compost, should i add perlite? the soil always seems to be moist even when i dont water for a week
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    HELP! i need help diagnosing my cannabis plants!

    Awesome man thank you that gives me a good running start to get this all in check
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    HELP what do i do!

    And farmers with shitty ph in there soil is a very common problem, moron, tomatoes can get Rott bottom and a lot of other shit can go wrong. So shut the fuck up before you go spouting pointless shit that helps no one in return.
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    HELP what do i do!

    Appropriate PH Is needed to let proper nutrient absorb into the cannabis plant root system. Didn't figure out that I had high ph by looking at the plant tested by soil! Because iv done a lot of looking trying to figure out what is wrong with my plant and that is what lead me to beleive I have a...
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    HELP what do i do!

    Thank you for your info :) I will take it slow just don't want my plants going down that wouldn't be good :P wanna get to my first harvest and have a harvest
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    HELP what do i do!

    I would really like to get a silica product because I have read nothing but must have advantages in cannabis growing growing silica products but can't find any
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    HELP what do i do!

    No I totaly understand u have alot to learn but I'm willing to learn iv had a couple other threads with pictures u won't be able to upload photos untill I get to my computer but my other threads have pictures. And maybe it's not the Ph but my ph was high and that is a big cause of phosphorus...
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    HELP what do i do!

    So just make sure my water is correct ph and put the nutes in the water? Is that what you were saying? I really appriciate your help. My plants appriciate it to!
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    HELP! i need help diagnosing my cannabis plants!

    Iv tested the PH in the soil and it was a little alkaline so iv put sulfer in the soil but I need something more fast acting because I think the ph lvl prevented phosphorus from getting to the plant and I could have a deffiency. But the LED are about 8 inches away from the plants. I wager not...
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    HELP what do i do!

    this is my first grow and iv made a amateur mistake with my soil i first used miracle grow sixth month feed i have transplanted them into better locally made soil, but i am facing a problem of to high of a Ph i tested at 7.5 i put Sulfur in the soil and mixed it in but sulfur is not a quick...
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    HELP! what am i doing wrong i need help diagnosing

    well i am sure if i added to much sulfur ill experience those to :P i am not sure how fast sulfur will reduce the Ph either
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    HELP! what am i doing wrong i need help diagnosing

    awesome i hope i put it in check ill see if i have progress and go from there, would you know any remedies for to high Ph in soil to correct the problem faster then sulfur will, iv heard watering the plants with old coffee that has been diluted 50% with water because of acidic properties in...
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    HELP! what am i doing wrong i need help diagnosing

    my leafs that i have trimmed off have been similar to other pictures i have seen with phosphorus deficiency, iv read how i could even be getting the deficiency because of my early watering the soil being to compact and to wet and also i could of been getting it because my Ph is to high in my...