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  1. D

    White widow help

    Around 14 hours of sun light last couple days been in the 90s real humid suppose to stay that way for the next week and even in the 100s
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    White widow help

    How often should I water em then since I'm learning as in going
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    White widow help

    Those are real nice wish mine looked like that....In your opinion what's better for white widow indoor/outdoor grow
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    White widow help

    Ok man thanks for all your help I'll try what you said and see if I can save them.....if I have any more problems or questions I'll message you
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    White widow help

    Can I still save my plants and if so what do I need to do or buy to get them healthy again
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    White widow help

    I'm feeding them once a week I had spider mites on my plants so I mixed a solution of safer insecticide soap and mixed it with water that was 2 days ago and I'm feeding them every 3 days of the plant food it something I got from a gardening store not sure the name of it but it's safe on tomatoes...
  7. D

    White widow help

    I took pictures look at em and tell me what you think
  8. D

    White widow help

    Leaves have also started to become dark green and stiff and it's only a foot and a half tall
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    White widow help

    Hi I have 3 white widow plants that are about 2 months old I recently super cropped them the other day 2 went back to standing up and the 3rd one is still bent over the leaves are shrivling up at the top of the plants and the plants have all started turning brown from top to bottom i am growing...