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  1. AndyAndre

    Drug Test and synthetic urine

    I am seeking some personal experiences... I close friend of mine is on probation in Colorado and randomly submits UA's that are sent to a lab. I am not sure what lab company does the testing... Can anyone please tell me if Magnum Synthetic Urine works for Colorado probation UA lab tests...
  2. AndyAndre

    Magnum Synthetic Urine probation in Colorado

    Does anybody have any info on this?
  3. AndyAndre

    Needing some advice on synthetic urine and probation UA lab tests in Colorado!

    Needing some advice on synthetic urine and probation UA lab tests in Colorado!
  4. AndyAndre

    Magnum Synthetic Urine probation in Colorado

    Hey Folks, I am a rookie around this site and I am seeking some personal experiences... I close friend of mine is on probation in Colorado and randomly submits UA's that are sent to a lab. I am not sure what lab company does the testing... Can anyone please tell me if Magnum Synthetic...