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  1. C

    How much light cfl do i need for 2 plants??HELP PLZ!

    Hi! The number of plants is irrelevant. Covarage area is what counts. With 6 lights each delivering 2700lm you got 16200lm alltogether (ideally, meaning that you can direct all of the light on to the canopy, which is not achivable even with the best reflectors) so realisticly you will have...
  2. C

    Average yeild.. Please help

    Hi! Here is some good reading and calculators aswell on yield and things that influence it. Cheers!
  3. C

    Help me pls. 2x125w Dual CFL + 4x40w CFL

    hi! Here is a link to some very useful information regarding cannabis cultivation and artificial lighting (other areas also) Cheers!
  4. C

    Small veg cab, how many watts of cfl?

    Hi! Wattage is irrelevant for what you are asking, since efficiency at coverting electricity to light varies between different light sources. Even the ones that work on the same basic principle, like cfl bulbs in your case. What you should be looking at is luminous flux... And for vegetative...
  5. C

    Need honest opinions

    Hi! The plant looks nice and healthy, so thats good. As for your set up... I personaly wouldnt dare to mix electricity with cardboard, as this material burns easily due to its structure and low density. I know that some people use them successfully, but if anything goes wrong it will catch fire...
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    Breeding question

    Hi! From experience I can say that you are absolutely correct, if you let them flower out most of the females will develope some male flowers. Thats the most natural method of getting fem. seeds. Cheers!
  7. C

    Proper purple strains?

    Hi! I understand what you are saying and thats why I wrote the pheno I have has purple buds no matter the temp. Just the calyxs are purple right from the start of flowering, and they go from light pruple to dark as they mature, the leaves remain green. So this is a purely genetic trade and it...
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    T5HO Outer Plastic Shell

    Hi! Took a look at the photos on the web and I cant see any protective clear plastic anywhere. I use a diy T5 HO lighting panel and cant think of a reason to use clear plastic for covering my tubes. It might be to protect the plants from growing in to the tubes, but you definetly loose some...
  9. C

    Proper purple strains?

    Hi! Never heard of purple bud being a bad thing, or good for that matter. Why do you think that? And why do you think it would yield less? The best pheno I have in my collection of seeds that I have bred myself for many years now from bagseeds has purple buds, no matter the temperatures. It is...
  10. C

    What colour light for flowering

    Hi! I use a combination of warm white and cool white T5 tubes. Thats 3000K and 4000K color temp. and have no complaints. I think all warm white fluorescent light would be just fine for flowering. Cheers.
  11. C

    Problems Germinating/sprouting seeds

    Hi! You can wait a few more days but I wouldnt get my hopes up, as I undrstand it you drowend the poor seeds. Way too much watering there. For the next time I would advise you not to use any napkins and alike methods, it is an unnecessary complication and it can cause mor harm the good...
  12. C

    From experience, how much will 22,000 lumens from 2 CFL bulbs yield?

    Hi! From experience I can say I would get around 150 - 200g of trimmed and dried bud. How much will you get I dont know, theres to many variables. This g/W thing is totaly irelevant when comparing different light sources, since their efficiency at producing light varies, also you have to take...
  13. C

    Moisture/mold - closet grow?

    Hi! As far as I know there is no lining that will offer moisture or mold protection. If anything anykind of lining (that doesnt breathe) will actually increse these problems (condensation and stagnant air beetwen walls and lining). The most elegant solution is to paint it white. Now there are...
  14. C

    Dehumidifiers (Desiccant or Compressor?)

    Hi! If you can afford it I would say buy and run a copressor dehumidifier. I know the general rule out there is to keep your humidity low... but, humidity in my closet never drops below 50% RH and it can be as high as 90% with temp. Range anywhere from 16 degrees Centigrade whith lights off...
  15. C

    Flowering and soil difficulties.

    Hi! First of all let me say those plants look nice and healthy, good job there! To anwser your question. No. It will not die if you trimm the lower branches and fill it with soil. It will actually grow roots out of those wounds. so you could do that. As for general opinions... I would...
  16. C

    Hard time finding a t5 panel within EUrope

    Hi! I cant tell you where to buy a plug&play T5 light panel, but I can tell you that its very easy to construct it yourself, even if you are not a professional electrician. It is also much cheaper and performance vise just as good as the manufacturey built ones. For my micro closet grow with...
  17. C

    t5 for growing

    Hi! I also have a 4 tube T5 setup (39W HO each), I run two cool white and two warm white tubes, and it works just fine. Dont overcomplicate things. As for yield you can expect with T5, its no less than with HPS. Im growing predominantly sativa strains (cant tell you which because I grow only...
  18. C

    T5 ballast, electrical advise needed.

    Hi! Yes, just disconect the tubes you dont need at any given time, thats how I run my T5 lights. Ive made 156W a lighting system with two ecg ballast each runing two 39W HO tubes. I intially made it for propagating seedlings and clones for my guerilla gardens, but use it during the ofseason time...
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    sharing guerilla location dilemma...

    Hi, crazykiwi420! Not sure how you got the impression that Im from Australia, or that Im planning on ripping anybody. Neither is true. Im from a small country in central Europe with a population not even reaching a third of the population of a big city like New york, London and alike. You are...
  20. C

    Going outdoors this next season need advice.

    Hi! Its not going to electrocute anything, not even the snails... it runs on a 9v battery. here is a link, just to get an idea... Theres a lot more info out there... I use it for my regular garden and have it...