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  1. FractalReal

    Hello From Colorado

    Just registered for my MED badge in Denver...the whole Colorado cannabis scene is surreal and at times hilarious. The collective culture is full of so much love and support for the medicine.Some take their support to mascot level extremes which is always interesting to witness. Bunch of grown...
  2. FractalReal

    Real rap music...

    Word...which led up to this.
  3. FractalReal

    Covers only Human Abstract-Antebellum covered via piano.
  4. FractalReal

    Medium dose of Mescaline >

    Irregardless I think the plant in question will give you exactly what you need and nothing less. Seems to be the nature of these experiences if you're able to tune in...and its nearly impossible not to.
  5. FractalReal

    Music for uptight internet warriors to calm down to. Never fails in my experience.
  6. FractalReal

    How to crap in the woods

    Once escorted my now ex-girlfriend out to the woods by our local lake years ago...we were both pleasantly baked at the time and sought out the least mosquito infested area possible. At some point while defecating she suddenly said, "You dont have to stand guard. Its not like a velociraptor is...
  7. FractalReal

    How high do you get?

    I smoke for holistic purposes. Which for me means it can range from slightly buzzed and ready to kick it in nature to...waking up out on my front porch surrounded by wrappers with a tray in my lap. Depending on the severity of my spiritual ailments.
  8. FractalReal

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    A cheeto that appeared to have been sucked clean. Nearly ruined a friendship.
  9. FractalReal

    I'm Smoking...

    Got some Girl Scout Cookies that Im saving for a cele-burn after I get a jub. Getting the munchies just smelling it and keep returning for an olfactory hit sporadically haha.