Search results

  1. ThatLEDGrowKid

    Leaves are twisting and middle leaves yellow/browning

    Is this leaf twisting/browning due to Molybdenum deficiency? I cannot figure this out for the life of me...middle leaves are yellowing from the edges and adding magnesium does not alleviate the symptoms. Soil is Roots Organics orginal formula, and is mixed with plenty of Azomite so this does not...
  2. ThatLEDGrowKid

    Leaves stay droopy, lower leaves yellowing

    Sup guys, can't seem to figure out why the lower leaves on my plants are drooping. They stay droopy all day, even days after they've been watered. I wait until the soil is completely dry before I water them each time (currently about 200ml every 3 days), so I highly doubt it can be...