Search results

  1. U

    UBC Chemo... anyone?

    Got 10 grams labeled as UBC Chemo years back from a now-closed mail service in the GWN, had never heard of it. First session gave a 20 year smoker (me) a soaring, full-fledged panic attack. Ended up on my back on the hallway floor questioning all my shit and frozen up with anxiety, sure the...
  2. U

    Who owns Apollo lights?

    Can't speak on the ballasts but the bulbs are of VERY poor quality. The typical review on an apollo bulb is that " worked fine for the first few days..." Check amazon reviews on apollo bulbs or thru low-baller ebay. I recently made the apollo mistake. They will do anything they can to...
  3. U

    What Kind of Seaweed Extract/Kelp Do You Use?

    It's Budmans self-confidence, despite his blatant ignorance, that gets under your skin. Took me 10 minutes to find studies showing kelp benefits. Here is 1: The effect of kelp extract on seedling establishment of broccoli on contrasting soil types in southern Victoria, Australia S.W...
  4. U

    Giving Defoliation a try! XD

    No shit, nice forum. I guess if you post something, you owe it to the highly educated botanists that loiter around here all day to make sure its fresh content for their entertainment. Once these kids learn something it cannot be discussed again on this site by anybody else. If you don't like...