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  1. thefirstissoon

    Here's my nute schedule what do you's think works for me ;)

    yeah i know what u mean, ive been using the same strain for around a year now, so its good for a base to start on
  2. thefirstissoon

    Here's my nute schedule what do you's think works for me ;)

    what?, u commented asking if ive 'tried full strength yet if not cut it in half' what sorta comment is that?, lol, tbh i dont know i dnt know what the full strength measurements are anymore ive just tweeked this up over the years, do you grow in coco urself?
  3. thefirstissoon

    Here's my nute schedule what do you's think works for me ;)

    stoner what u mean by tht?, the ec at the highest is just over 2 at the peak of flowering, you think i should be higher sooner?
  4. thefirstissoon

    The UK Growers Thread!

    im not to sure what company there from, bought a couple of clones of a guy and turned them into mothers, there good tho nice and stinkin, im in 3 weeks on tuesday, so will try and make time to get this thread running for all yas to see!
  5. thefirstissoon

    Here's my nute schedule what do you's think works for me ;)

    hi guys, currently growing in coco, heres my nute schedule, per 60 litres, what do you's think?
  6. thefirstissoon

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hows it going guys! not been on here for a while but its taught me all i know! ;), so i thought id help other people out, gna start a thread 12 600watts, 50 blue cheese, and show you guys how i get down now! as you can see by my name my first was a while ago ;), a question for you guys, what...
  7. thefirstissoon

    Lookin for information on RE-VEGing a plant. whos done it?

    thats wat appens m8, normall leaves will come shortly just a waiting game!
  8. thefirstissoon

    Is my 600W HPS good enough for vegetative growth (from seeds) and how to optimize it?

    m8 its is more then adaquate for the veg stage, if you wanna save some money on electric get a double cfl reflector with 2 x green spectrum cfl, tht wrks great, and saves pennys on ya electric 2
  9. thefirstissoon

    Need help Understanding PH?

    dolomatic lime will raise ur ph, you can use this 6.3 - 6.8 is the idea range imo because the ph off your soil is low, try flushing then watering with a 'ph-ed' solution hopew this clears up for you!
  10. thefirstissoon

    Would this work?

    cant see why noit m8, get a little sog on the go, then when you turn to flowerin your be best off upgradein ur light 2 a hps for the better yield, guessin u made tht fing ur self looks gd!
  11. thefirstissoon

    18h for flowering plants

    no mate, it will start going into veg again
  12. thefirstissoon

    How close can you have a 1000watt light to your plant?

    18inch miminmum id say imo ive gt 4x8 tent 1000 n a 600 one came to look at em after one night and the top was burnt with the stretch so watch em!
  13. thefirstissoon

    Perfect light for veg.?

    urll be sweet with 2x 400 watt mh
  14. thefirstissoon

    Grow Room Too HOT!

    u need an intake and extraction fan all the fans are doing is blowing hot air
  15. thefirstissoon

    Predator vs predator???

    thanks for the reply guys, where im at they stop selling thm both over winter, looks like ill go for the spidier mite killers for nw get rid of those little fukers! rep for yas both
  16. thefirstissoon

    Predator vs predator???

    bump! bump! bump!
  17. thefirstissoon

    Predator vs predator???

    right ill make this short and sweet, just gt a new grow room, and ended up with some nasty clones and now have thrips and spider mites!!! if i buy 2000 of Phytoseiulus for the spider mites and 50 sachets of Amblysieus Cucumeris for the thrips would they fight each other insted of...
  18. thefirstissoon

    2000watt grow 18 blues, handling the runoff???????

    hi guys, just about to go into flowering when my lights 2x 1000watt xxxl magnums come 2moro, im growing 18 blue cheese 4th week of veg in xxl budbox, im growing in coco and when i first watered in the tent there was alot of water left to get the runoff i wanted. first grow in coco by the way...
  19. thefirstissoon

    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats poppin fellow ukerz!!!!, hope yous are all gd just found this thread and itsss huggeeeeeeeeee! just curious what the prices are at know round your parts 220 - 250 an o ere stuff get expensive ! peace the first is long gne ;)
  20. thefirstissoon

    Keeping my temps below 83f with 2 1000w xxxl magnums

    just the same set up i was thinking of getting, you sorted ur temps owt yet?? wat abwt a ac?? whats ur set up?