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  1. WalterWhiteJr

    Help with harvesting??

    Oh yea green thumb i forgot to add, This plant was planted in the ground so there is no moving her around haha.
  2. WalterWhiteJr

    Help with harvesting??

    Im located in southern US so Sunlight isnt a problem. But if my plant is going back to veg then this is a big problem !! Here is a update on her today. Should I let it grow for another 2-3 weeks or flush now ? Id rather harvest this one than be forced to watch the veg state for months again...
  3. WalterWhiteJr

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Unknown seed from a buddys bag. We are a couple days away from 3 months being up so im very suprised this girl made it by herself. No nutrients or anything... just straight tap water everyday. Any Idea when she will be ready? If i had to guess, she has been flowering for almost 2 months also...
  4. WalterWhiteJr

    Help with harvesting??

    This girl was my 1st plant i planted along with the one below I need help with this one
  5. WalterWhiteJr

    Help with harvesting??

    This plant was planted on feb24 and began flowering about 5 weeks after... Seed was from some bag weed nothing to special about it but i need helping knowing how much longer can it flower for? Its going to be almost 2 months thats its been flowering and Id appreciate if anyone can give me some...
  6. WalterWhiteJr

    Are these Mushrooms?? PLEASE HELP

    Thank you all. I appreciate the life you just saved :bigjoint:
  7. WalterWhiteJr


    Good old meth :cool:
  8. WalterWhiteJr

    Are these Mushrooms?? PLEASE HELP

    Im basically in the jungle right now and need to know before i head back home
  9. WalterWhiteJr

    Are these Mushrooms?? PLEASE HELP

    Im looking for a answer my friend. Not a hyperlink haha
  10. WalterWhiteJr

    Are these Mushrooms?? PLEASE HELP

    This afternoon I went walking through my ranch and these little babies caught my eyes. I'm not quite sure if these are the correct ones so if somebody can please point out the truth. I am weed guy.... not the same with mushrooms haha
  11. WalterWhiteJr

    How many plants are manageable?

    For somebody who lives on a ranch, I can say any number of plants is manageable if you have the right resources. Outdoor growing has its ups and downs , especially financially and bigger yields wise.
  12. WalterWhiteJr

    When do the recognizable buds start to form?

    Then your good to go. Just make sure your plant gets light from different directions not just the top. Doing this will maximize the amount of bud your plant will produce
  13. WalterWhiteJr

    How do YOU think there doing?

    Yellowing in the leaves is all. If it does happen to your plant just lower n, p, k levels in your plants diet. Dont worry right now my friend, just observe your plant and make needed adjustments :bigjoint:
  14. WalterWhiteJr

    Help get bigger plants

    Neem oil. You can pick it up at lowes bud, it works perfect trust me haha
  15. WalterWhiteJr

    New Growth Yellowing, With Pics

    Yea best thing to do is just flush the plant and lower the amount of nitrogen in your plants diet. You should be fine m8, Happy growing !!:weed:
  16. WalterWhiteJr

    When do the recognizable buds start to form?

    What type of lights are you using and how close are they from your plant?? Without knowing that, your plant should start its flowering stage in about 2 weeks or so. wait a couple more weeks (3 weeks at max) and you will get that nice seducing smell. Nice sized buds wont be visible until the last...
  17. WalterWhiteJr

    Optimum watering times?? Dtw

    A lot of things need to be thought of first before determining the amount of water any plant needs. Age of plant, ph levels, how well your soil drains water. As your plant grows, you will be going from watering once a day to 3 times a day depending on how fast the roots suck up the water. I hope...
  18. WalterWhiteJr

    what makes quality weed when you're growing?

    Okay i could understand why you say that. I wasnt talking about ferts and topping in general. Im talking about growers forming a strategy of recording data like topping, ferts,etc year after year.... harvest after harvest :weed: Only then you can know how you got your plant to look like this or that
  19. WalterWhiteJr

    How do YOU think there doing?

    Very nice grow bud! All i would suggest is watch your leaves and keep track of your plants appetite. We wouldn't want those beautiful buds to go to waste. They belong in a smokers lungs:joint:
  20. WalterWhiteJr

    what makes quality weed when you're growing?

    There is a lot of ways to make your marijuana posses more quality, but if you want quality for many years, growers need to start recording data daily. By doing this you can make adjustments and know what happens when you top your plant after a certain node. All this needs to be factored in when...