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    should i harvest?

    if i don't have a scope and i cant see my trics how can i tell when is a good time to harvest. im using a D W c diy system and its my first time with it and my leaves are very yellow. the bud it self looks good, about half red hairs half white. i tried a magnafiying glass but i cant relly tell...

    fan leaves

    Some of the bottom leaves are turning brown and wilting, the rest of the plant looks great. should i cut them off or just leave it alone

    the vortex

    So i have this bong the Gravity Vortex, I seen it on the show weeds and on you tube and had to have one. The damn thing gets me baked out of my mind every time i smoke it. Its like the smoke goes to a different part of my lungs i enjoy it, anyone else have one?

    legal weed

    Has anyone ever smoked that herbal weed that you can get out of a hightimes magazine? is there any buzz?:leaf:

    100 watt hps

    i have a 100 watt hps light with a built in ballast. will this be enough for me to grow two plants and not spike the electric bill?