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  1. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Mr. Marks, I am back to learn. I kinda of stayed off the site while i was put through the justice? system. Police invasion+new medical law+public defender=case dismissed! Only took a year! They still have my equipment. working on getting it back. within one month of raid i started to upgrade...
  2. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    pursing lips to see if they will reach. doh..........
  3. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    i agree! once i said medical, all but one of the cops demeanor changed. they sat him down to do the paper work and i am guessing that is way items were missed. i never let them in, the cop said they had a domestic with a women in distress. he came in on his own. If it were not 4 affirmative...
  4. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    MY mother had just left my house. One minute later knock at the door. Thinking it was her, i open door. staring at two police officers. Big stand off at door. i am arguing with them. no you can not come in. The next door neighbor was beating his wife. They were at the wrong address. Officer...
  5. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    learning is budemental. thanks Mr. Howard. Will digest info. going to put seeds to paper towel tomorrow. don't know how old you are. But, Would i be correct in thinking that the columbian redbud of 1977-78 or 1978-79 harvest would have been a mostly sativa strain. to this day that has...
  6. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    oh, i forgot, thought i would jump in on the HST comments. this was my ps comment at the end of my 1am blog on nov 4th regarding the upcoming election. "ps, Hunter, you shanked your two-iron into the woods. You went to get your ball and never came back. You missed it buddy! Wish you were...
  7. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    CooL, I am not sure if i have smoked silver haze. from 2001-2006 i was in birmingham, al. i had very good connection for ca. smoke. different strains twice a month, but high retail cost, that is where i stumbled onto blueberry. i have never paid attention to the names of weed until now. When i...
  8. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    hello again, mr howard, pardon my butting in. i have been lurking and i will start tomorrow re-reading your thread. I obtained a great christmas/birthday gift today in the mail. would love your opinion and thoughts on the strains/how hard to grow. to me the most important is keeping the...
  9. Short Term Memory Loss

    Detailed pic what's happening on leaf?

    my mistake i am using tsp. so it's 3.25 tsp. the plants are healthy, unless you can get nute burn when plant is green? Picture is photo shopped with less bright so you can see what process is happening.
  10. Short Term Memory Loss

    Detailed pic what's happening on leaf?

    Second day after watering with 3.25 tbls of tiger bloom per gl. plants healthy. 24 days flrw. Question I have. The bumps on the outer edge of leaf? Is this where the plants breathe? What is happening? Any info on this would be much appreciated.
  11. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Second day after watering with 3.25 tbls of tiger bloom per gl. Question I have. The bumps on the outer edge of leaf? Is this where the plants breathe? What is happening? Any info on this would be much appreciated.
  12. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    After 3rd or 4th set top your plant there is another method called FIM (fuck i missed) google that and it will show you how. I did it once but did it wrong. Yeah, took mine awhile to get growing but once i changed to 50% Peat and 50% worm castings they have growning at a good rate. yes mi. vote...
  13. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    I have pruned elongy 5 more times. Lower small branches in the shade. Will now watch to see how other buds progress. I have no Co2. All three plants are healthy no nute burns, bugs. I am watering 2 quarts every three days with tiger bloom 3 tbls. I am wondering if my pots are to small...
  14. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Michigan medical marijuana is legal. I will be officially legal Dec. 4th. :hump: :peace:bongsmilie
  15. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    Well, for eight years i have been mumbling revolution to anyone who would listen. In one aspect the democrats winning was not really what i wanted. Not left enough! But i will take Obama, knowing that he is the closest i am going to get to a true socialist. Yes! i am a socialist...with...
  16. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    thank you for response! Yeah, i looked it up and read about hormones. I guess the the two side shoots grow straight up as opposed to v formation from topping? I read that sometimes you can get 8 cola's. this will be something that i will want to practice. again, thank you for response. :peace:
  17. Short Term Memory Loss

    Whole lotta grow..nnnrrrr... Want a whole lotta grow...

    over the last 3 days i have pruned elongy 6 times lower growth I know that she is female but i want to see how much stress she will take. I also put a tube, which is all i could find to tie and prop the plant. This was a mistake didn't want to give this much stress. I heard the roots snapping...
  18. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    did i do it right? if i did right, how does the FIM help me, compared to just topping? <---That's if you don't mind me asking and you taking the time to answer. :peace:
  19. Short Term Memory Loss

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    just finished reading whole thread. nice. Wanting to learn FIM, looking forward to pics. :peace:
  20. Short Term Memory Loss

    Dry ice ?!?

    my operation is 400 watts. your will not melt as fast. the dry ice -109.3°F or -78.5°C in your freezer will melt fast unless unless you have a major industrial freezer.