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  1. P

    AEROGARDEN DAY58 FROM SEED week 3 flowering

    people hate on them because they cost from 100-200$ and for 200 you can get 1 400 watt HPS with its own ventalilation, personally i would get the hps
  2. P

    Pictures-White Widow Flowering Day 17

    i just have a small suggestion about your lighting, it seems you are just growing in a wooden box. which is fine but you should put some reflective material on the sides, try not to crinkle it while you work too as this can cause hotspots and burn your plant
  3. P

    Possible Pistils?

    this is the same with me too
  4. P

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    you could keep it till it pollenates and then stick the pollen in a bag in the freezer for when you want to get seeds from a female you can just brush the pollen onto a certain nug and get seeds that way. but alone the males aint good for shit but rope :P
  5. P

    Bottom leaves yellowing and curling up, top leaves drooping?

    to flush a 3 gallon bucket it is best to use 2x as much water as soil so it would be 6 gallons to flush your pot