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  1. M

    Pruning tips: when and why?

    You should at least cite the source. I've read this already.
  2. M

    When to re pot?

    Yes, it needs to be completely dry. Wet soil falls apart, unless you want to manage that, I'd say wait till it's dry, it comes out as a block.
  3. M

    Panic Attacks??

    No, you're just probably prone to them, and cannabis might just exacerbate that. P.D: I remember answering a thread of yours which you said that one strain made you have paranoid thoughts, or something like that. Maybe you should see a psych? (I say it with all due respect).
  4. M

    Trimming...trim!?! (early smoking...anxious grower)

    Thanks, but only one person really answered what I asked... About flushing, I don't bother with it as I use organic nutrients. I put them in the soil, and then just water. I have one for vegging and one which I put before the plants go into flower. What I wanted to know is if it affects the...
  5. M

    When to re pot?

    In my experience it doesn't really matter all that much. You would want to keep in mind that the soil needs to be completely dry, and make sure not to do it during floweing. Whenever you do it, keep in mind it will take a few days to a week or so for the plant to adjust and extend its roots...
  6. M

    Trimming...trim!?! (early smoking...anxious grower)

    So I have nothing decent to smoke, and I am waiting on the last weeks of flowering (the part where the bud starts getting denser), and I see these beautiful small leaves covered in trichlomes (the trim, the small leaves around the buds), and although my instincts tell me that it cannot do the...
  7. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    How would I end up knocking one over? Slim chance of that happening, it's not like I am moving them stoned out of my ass, or carrying two plants at a time. All that I do is move three plants one at a time for a distance of a mighty 15 ft! Haha, what an exercise. Yeah, as in you can't see...
  8. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    I only have one dark "room," it's actually in the same room as my light, only it's a spot covered by curtains which do not allow light to pass through them, rendering it totally dark. Unless there is a way to conveniently move the lights, I cannot imagine plugging and unplugging the lights...
  9. M

    Best seeds

    Nirvana have some cheap, decent strains. Go to the Attitude, the pick and mix section, there you can pick individual seeds at a (somewhat) good price.
  10. M

    Pruning Fan Leaves

    Just don't take all of them off. Remember that they are your plant's main element for photosynthesis. Keep in mind though, other fan leaves will grow back, and you'll still be with the same problem. Oh, and it'll stunt your grow. I experimented with one plant and it took about a week or two...
  11. M

    Skunk Strain Side Effects?

    Your entire argument lies in that smoking too much skunk will ruin your mental health? (You worded it wrong, by the way, but I caught it anyway...perhaps you should stop smoking?) In all seriousness though, this is in the same league as saying that marijuana will cause your brain cells to die...
  12. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Okay so, bottom line: it would work, but it would be a hassle. No problems. I realize that getting another HPS is probably the smartest way to go about it, but I can't spare the cash to buy one at the time. Thanks for all the answers, I will be buying bigger pots (I have been looking into this...
  13. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Ballasts were barely even warm... So I gather that this is just a common thing, but nobody does it because it's too much work eh? I'm working on this, I might start a journal too. Keep you guys updated...I really wanna see if I can get 2x the bud.
  14. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Haha, yeah I am afraid to leave them on when I am not home but I am at home most of my time (smoking bud!). I actually have two 220W HPS, so heat is dissipated differently than from a single 400W. And as I said, it's almost winter here so it's really cold, I am betting that my ballasts aren't...
  15. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Haha to be perfectly honest with you, I sleep in my growroom so I would go with them! Its winter here though, so a 400w doesn't hold up to build sufficient heat. I am having trouble keeping my plants warm as it is! By the way, I have a smoke alarm just in case, and my growroom is pretty light...
  16. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    It is perfect for me, I am taking a year off and I am at home most of the time. No problems there. Its really not much of a hassle moving three plants every twelve hours, they dont weight all that much (5L pots as I said) and their dark spot is just a metre away from my "light spot." I am...
  17. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Yeah, you would need somewhere totally dark in that same room, or a closet as you said. And not too big of a pot, because moving huge pots around every 12 hs is some work, nevertheless, if it's for bud, I am all for the work! My pots are around 5L, give or take.
  18. M

    Theory For More Bud, What Do You Think?

    Say you have a 400W HPS, and you have six plants. If you were to veg those plants for a month or month and a half, you would have six plants ready to flower. What if instead of putting them to flower all at once, you change it up for them? While three of them get their 12 hours of light, the...
  19. M

    Is it Enough?

    Hello there, I have a question...I have five plants, which are about 2 weeks old, only two sets of leaves each. I own two 220W HPS, but currently have them under one of them, instead of the two. Is that okay, or would it be more benefitial to have them both on? If not, how long should I wait...
  20. M

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Damn bro, beautiful plants! Where did you order your seeds if I may ask?