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  1. C

    URGENT! What is Piff?

    1)Real piff AKA piffy is marijuana not laced, but grown with opium in it. Before the plant buds, a syringe is used to inject the choice opiate into it, thus the drug being distributed evenly through the plant. When smoked, the high produced by piff is more of a mellow, relaxed high, then the...
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    America is in love with Barack Obama

    Nuff said. Democratic convention, they are going nuts!
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    is anyone else an active stoner?

    You can work out 6 days a week effectively. Just do upper one day, lower next day. Rinse repeat. Take one day off per week of no workout imo. or do something active, but don't lift.
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    World's Biggest Joint

    Wow i never wouldve found that since its german. haha, but they dont actually smoke it so...or at least they dont show it.
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    World's Biggest Joint

    This thing is huge, not sure if its the world's biggest. YouTube - Seattle Hempfest - Seeley Backstage - Worlds Biggest Joint I almost went to that this year, but couldn't make it. WASHINGTONIANS REPRESENT! :) Edit: That thing probably hit horribly. I heard there was over 70 grams in it...
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    You know your a pothead when...

    QFT. Imagine someone making a piece with their hands!
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    The truth about THC percentages?

    My tolerance level is pretty low so I don't care how much THC the bud has. (then again ive never had shwag) good read however. i enjoy learning new things.
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    Excuse me while I have a little cry to myself

    thats how u gotta do it. props
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    Highest you have ever been

    yeah my first time was just like that. i didnt know how to take a real hit so i just puffed it and fell a light buzz at that. my first real high, i barely even remember. all i remember is giggling a ton and then passing out on a bed. my guy told me i was awake for like 2 hours after we smoked...
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    What ya think of this bud :) ... my homegrown

    wow it looks like ur bud is like half the size of ur monitor until i realized u zoomed it wow i was gonna say.
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    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    Wow thats so nasty. Nothing grosses me out more than cuts. I just hate picturing in my head how it happened, and how painful it was. That's the grossest part.
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    RIU what is up tonight?

    A friend of mine told me that if he drinks a lot all he has to do is take one shot in the morning and he won't have a hangover. Never tried it, and it doesn't sound like it would work...maybe he just doesn't get as drunk as he
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    favorite swear word?'ve got skills!
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    RIU what is up tonight?

    Couldn't agree more. I don't get shitfaced anymore just because one time I did i passed out in my own vomit and i dont remember any of it. the only reason i know about it is cuz my friends taped that shit. i had a 2 day hangover....and was def not worth the previous night.
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    RIU what is up tonight?

    Laughing gets you a 6 pack! Amirite?!
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    RIU what is up tonight?

    No one does! Just get a little tipsy if you don't wanna have a shitty next day. better than nothin eh?
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    RIU what is up tonight?

    Everyone's most likely chillin in localweedmans thread. It will ensure a few lols if you read the whole thing through or followed it since the beginning.
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    Favorite Music/Song/Band while high

    Brand New is an awesome band sober, but while high its like...I dono I have to scream every word. They are my favorite band. :) Only way to listen is head phones on blasting. Also, I enjoy trance.
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    David Spade on Pot Heads

    haha, got a few lols out of it.
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    favorite swear word?

    Doesn't suck come first? :P