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  1. SouthCanada

    would you have chopped this down already?

    thanks for the help guys. just seed straight from a bag.
  2. SouthCanada

    would you have chopped this down already?

    I veged with 6 42w 5000k cfls. flowered with one 150w hps, 3-2700k cfls and 3-5000k cfls. I used that all on two plants. Veged for 2 months, flowering for a little over 3 months i think. I'm not sure what regs are?
  3. SouthCanada

    would you have chopped this down already?

    I wish you could be too... this trimming business is a lot of work. could definately use a hand.
  4. SouthCanada

    would you have chopped this down already?

    This is only my second grow, in soil, from bagseed, so i don't really have a good guage for the ripeness yet. Using a hand mic, most the trichs are cloudy, with maybe some super tiny ones that might be amber? Should I wait or keep cutting?
  5. SouthCanada

    did i time halting nutrients right?

    I can't answer the trich questions you've got, but I know that my leaves around my buds are turning purple also. Mine are in a closet and the temps are about 75 w/lights on and 60 or so with lights off. So, if that causes purple, then I'd definately say the 50 degree nights are attributing...
  6. SouthCanada

    my plants got a 10 minute leak...

    Nah, wouldn't worry bud. The intensity of bedroom lights isn't enough to offset their schedule. Mine are in my closet also and I'm constantly in there for clothes and I have a habit of looking at them. Buds are coming along great so far.
  7. SouthCanada

    WTF flies?

    Tried the vacuum once. Picked up more dirt than anything. It did bring their numbers down though. Here's what I used to rid the gnats. Sprayed three times, 3 or 4 days apart. Kept the Pic Stick sideways on top of the dirt. Haven't seen em since. Except for the dead ones. Good ridance.
  8. SouthCanada

    1 month into flowering Pics!!

    I'm having the exact same problem. Found this thread trying to find a cure for mine. I started flowering a couple days before you did, but my yellowing seems a touch more severe. Not sure what nutes or how much or anything, ya know? If you find something that works, hit me up with a post, 1st...
  9. SouthCanada

    Burned the tip of my bud! Do I leave it?

    Yea, I agree. I'd just let it go. btw... how'd it smell when you found it?
  10. SouthCanada

    Pretty Lonely Lady

    I'm at about 4 weeks into flowering and this is how the girl looks. I'm thinking heat stress plus low nitrogen because of flowering? I know the curling isn't normal. But what about the major yellowing? How much is too much at 4 weeks of flower? The yellow light is from a 150w HPS I bought...
  11. SouthCanada

    HPS light problems

    It's possible that it could be a heat problem, like there might be something that automatically shuts it off when it gets too hot, kind of like a hair dryer. BUT this is 100% guessing because I don't know your light or anything. Does it use a ballast? and How long does it stay on for?
  12. SouthCanada

    First Harvest - How'd I do?

    That's awesome for one plant I think. How exactly do you cure it? Can you just use mason jars like that? Do they have to stay in the light, the dark, or it doesn't matter? Open them a couple times of day? And for how long must one cure it...
  13. SouthCanada

    First Harvest - How'd I do?

    How many plants did you pull that off of? Looks great to me. Good grow guy.
  14. SouthCanada

    First Indoor - Choosing Lights (Help!)

    How many plants are you lookin at growin? From what I've read, the long tube fluorescents spread out the lumens, whereas the same wattage CFL can be directed straight onto the plant. My grow journal has pics of how I did it with CFLs. Didn't cost me much money and my plant turned out nice so...
  15. SouthCanada

    Clones started at the 'age' of the mother plant - Photos included

    Yea, what kind of bag did you get that seed from?
  16. SouthCanada

    Help! Complete beginner with dying plant!

    I'd get it out of that coffee can and into something that drains out the bottom. Re-pot into something bigger with good dirt. The sun will be enough to keep it alive, but the days are getting shorter sending you into flowering. Lights would help keep it constant. Careful not to water too much...
  17. SouthCanada

    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    Hey, great journal. Very neat. I like your box idea. I've never heard of anyone monitoring their temp via webcam, but when I first started my plants that's all I wanted to do was be able to see them from work. They pretty much consumed my thinking. But I learned that they grow faster when you...
  18. SouthCanada

    Pretty Lonely Lady

    As of today, she's been on 12/12 for about a week. Up until this point, it's been relatively easy. But now is where I'm asking for help, advice, pointers, or pretty much any input or opinion. I like hearing the thoughts of others. She's got 5 lights on her. 3 42w 2700k and 2 42w 6500k. I'm...
  19. SouthCanada

    Pretty Lonely Lady

    Before I did some research, the only way I thought a plant would show it's sex is after the light cycle went to 12/12. So I was really waiting for the 12/12 days to figure out which, if any, of my plants were girls. Boy was I excited to find that out... After a bit of research though, I found...
  20. SouthCanada

    Pretty Lonely Lady

    Since these all came from bagseed, I have no idea what genetics they are. But I can tell you that those two plants to the right and left of the tall guy are stubby for a reason. I went to Seattle on vacay for 10 days. I came back to find that a good buddy of mine (the only guy I trusted to...