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  1. R


    i bought 1 snow white and 2 power skunk seeds about 3 weeks ago the snow white is doing well but the power skunk never worked however this has not put me off of ordering again as pickandmixseeds is a great site and the delivery time was brilliant
  2. R

    2x 200 watt

    thanks for the reply. i have another 3 200 watt cfls would this be enough for 10 lowryders.
  3. R

    2x 200 watt

    hi all do you think 2 x 200 watt cfl.s are enough to grow ten lowryders. any replies would be greatly appreciated
  4. R

    please help

    thanks for your replies
  5. R

    please help

    i planted some white dwarf and diesel ryder seeds yesterday i was wandering when to put them under the lights that i have. thanks for any replies
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    Advice plz advice

    i have planted some seeds and i was wandering when do i put my seedling under light. thanks for any replies
  7. R

    Why are dealers so unreliable

    Kick his nuts. it wont get you any weed but it could be worth it
  8. R

    How Much Do You Pay For Marijuana ?

    in scotland we pay 40 pounds for a quarter ounce 80 pounds for a half ounce 120 pounds for an ounce
  9. R

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    shaved my wife shaves her pussy i shave my balls no sticky pubes for me
  10. R

    Lowryder Seed Newbee Question

    it means your plants will be female which is what you want if you are not breeding the plants.
  11. R

    horse manure

    does anyone here use horse manure. is it good for your plants. i was just wandering because i have three horses and i thought it would be a good idea to put their shit to good use. thanks in advance for any replies
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    salvia divinorum 80x

    about 10 mins then i got a headache. it wasnt worth the 30 pounds i payed for it
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    salvia divinorum 80x

    i didnt find it freaky i thought it was a bit rubbish i was expecting to have some sort of outer body experience on a scale of 1 - 10 10 being good 1 being rubbish i would give it a 1:spew:
  14. R

    salvia divinorum 80x

    i just smoked 1 gram of salvia in a bong for about five minutes i thought my clothes were trying to cut my skin off and my face felt like it was crumbling off. has anyone else smoked this if so what experience did you have.
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    Thanks for your reply
  16. R

    Swiss Miss

    thank you for your reply
  17. R


    i stupidly used my work email address to register on this site and now im getting emails while at work how do i stop this Thanks
  18. R

    I Once.

    i once sqeezed my foreskin closed while having a pee
  19. R


    its a legal high that is supposed to be better than lsd