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  1. Arthitiseeder

    My New LED grow coming along beautifully

    uhm +GrandMah ok.... well have fun swallowing okee doke:)
  2. Arthitiseeder

    My New LED grow coming along beautifully

    Couldnt really ask for more... learning piles and loving LED's as my new light medium
  3. Arthitiseeder

    New Grow Journal

    Just spamming here for my Grow Journal. Going to try to do a few LED journals this season
  4. Arthitiseeder

    I haven't smoked in 20 years

    so the original question, how schwacked will you get smoking now, pretty schwacked . you will never find smoke as good as you remember my friend, and I will tell you why. THe same reason I will never again catch the 20 lb walleye I remember catching when I was young, The same reason getting...
  5. Arthitiseeder

    New questions, your opinion about this new plant and some problems

    pics don't ever really do troubleshooting any favors, but here is my opinion (disregard what you don't like) 1. you didn't have enough watts, you do now but only for this single plant and you need to get as many lumens pointing at it as possible (ie lay the bulbs the other direction, use...
  6. Arthitiseeder

    day 78 short rider pics

    first grow I got 52g good bud from a short rider and 64 from a northern lights, this short rider however, I won't get more than likely 40 or 45 due to limiting the yield in favor of some aesthetic stuff. THe second northern lights I should again get 2 oz with no issue. all of these3 were in 5...
  7. Arthitiseeder

    day 78 short rider pics

    These are some pics of day 78 from seed for my purple rider (short rider I intentionally made purple with temp changes at various intervals in flowering)
  8. Arthitiseeder

    rotten smell from plants :(

    One other thing to consider is temperature if the smell bothers you. Terpinoids get released twice from a plant, when it is at 21 degrees Celsius and when it is at 31 degrees Celsius. in the night you have high humidity and if your temps sit at 21 you will get a load of stink . try ensuring...
  9. Arthitiseeder

    P deficiency
  10. Arthitiseeder

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    1. have you ever used bay leaves? for like stews and such. when I was a younger man and living in an apartment I would lay down bay leaves in the corners of the cupboards (at my Grammies instruction) and floors. never had a roach and the rest of the place was swimming in them. 2. Can't say I...
  11. Arthitiseeder

    What's the latest you've waited to see sex?

    wife once made me go 3 weeks before I saw sex.... oh wait, I misunderstood the question :-)
  12. Arthitiseeder

    Small grow set up - help pls!

    here is a pic of my little dirt farm right now my friend This is an NL Auto (G13) and a short rider auto (Nirvana). This gets controversial on here but I will tell you what I know (not what I have read on 10 yr old links) . For a small little tent grow like this Auto's rock, I...
  13. Arthitiseeder

    Seed selection

    pack it in now, that kind of laziness before you even buy seeds will guarantee failure.
  14. Arthitiseeder

    Different color stems

    you can look online and find many posts about defiency but be carefule about that, monitor your temperature. I have this grow intentionally pushed my tewmps down to 60 degrees to turn my short rider stalks and veins purple (cuz I like that) . most strains you will find will purple with cooler...
  15. Arthitiseeder

    Small grow set up - help pls!

    you won't get yield like that from 200w of cfl. auto+200w cfl = approx. 3/4=1oz yield in optimum conditions. size of tent, I use a 24inx24inx60in tent without too many issues first grow pic second grow pic (evolved a bit) : it is a bit tight in the tent but completely reasonable to...
  16. Arthitiseeder

    Autos and their yield?

    I finished a short rider auto a couple weeks ago and got 52g of dry bud. This was a LST'ed plant but everything I can see says the next one will do the same or better. ( . Most autos will give you an ounce...
  17. Arthitiseeder

    In one day!
  18. Arthitiseeder

    Hairties on my Cannabis

    buy some cfl to supplement lower areas
  19. Arthitiseeder

    male huh....

    Looks like a fine young Steed ;-)
  20. Arthitiseeder

    First time seed order and the adverts that are here when you are not logged in