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  1. Willow

    My little experiment

    I have a link to my grow journal in my signature but if you insist: For Medicinal Use Only I'm sad because I have to dig seed out of really nice sticky bud. :joint: , but you have a point I am in paradise and I love it. I have a wonderful life and yes, it suits me. I think so anyway...
  2. Willow

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    Has anyone else used the trim to make compost? I have been just tossing all of in my little bin. It smells wonderful :weed: I've been putting it in with all the rest of the plant trimmings from my little garden. Some left over potting soil and the paper from my shredder. I just give it a...
  3. Willow

    My little experiment

    Satman :joint: Thanks for the praises.. I think the girls did well. The early cut stuff gives a really quick heady high :blsmoke: lasts about 20 mins. It's just too bad it had seeds.:cry:
  4. Willow

    Grrrr riu!

    My post was directed at the "powers that be" Hoping to add to your "autosaving" idea.. A slide show option would be cool... :blsmoke: :peace:
  5. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    Why, Thank you kind sir.. you might make a girl blush...
  6. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    I have so many seeds i could start a seed bank.... so the :evil: hermie seed is trashed. Have you ever heard of anyone using the trim to make compost? I have just been throwing it all in my compost pile... along with everything else from my little garden. Here's a few of the harvest at 90...
  7. Willow

    Grrrr riu!

    I had the same thing happen to me.. thought the cat did it...:blsmoke: So no, not the only one... :joint: * hey while you're at it add a slide show thingy too....kiss-ass
  8. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    Thanks! They look better every day. I have tons of seed:mrgreen: The one lady is a sativa and the bottom half had seeds but the top new growth is seedFREE! She is over 50" tall today and loaded. It looks like a christmas tree all frosty. So that seed will be a mix of indica & sativa should...
  9. Willow

    What to do with a hermie

    So this one fooled me and Uunfortunatly seeded my entire grow. Except some new growth on a few plants. Such a shame I was sooooo careful, but I let this one get by me because I didn't know what "flowering" ment, I thought it ment "flowering" so I sat back & was so proud of my plants full of...
  10. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    So here it is taken a day or so ago. It's even taller today, the two side branches are almost as long as the top cola is tall, filling in nicely too. As most of you know I had an :evil:herm... arg! That seeded the majority of my grow. I was hoping this one had been spared but unfortunatly not...
  11. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    The girls are growing up nicely. I still have no idea what the one is but it has grown 4 inches in 3 days. I have never seen a plant this big, so I can't help but be impressed. and it just keeps getting bigger.... They are getting nothing special but good fresh water and sunshine. Everyone is...
  12. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    All taken today, just now.. so this is what we look like on day 82, not sure when we began "flowering" because each plant has matured at it's own pace. "again, I know not what i do" :blsmoke:
  13. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    :peace: ALOHA! Caliboy, Honestly, I have no idea. This was a collection of bag seeds that we accumulated over 3 or 4 years. I just got a "wild hair" to see if anything would grow and here we are... and I am walking blind. I have no idea other than basic gardening. They get bigger every day, I...
  14. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    Can anyone help, this baby is getting beautiful, and I think it's a sativa, but... I know not what I do.... All help appreciated, She's 42" tall and budding out all down the branches. Every day it gets taller and bushier. Some of the branches are already too heavy to hold them self up. :peace: <br>
  15. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    Medicinal Use Only
  16. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    75 -80 days.... *can you add a slide show? It wouldn't let me. So I hope the attachments work... :peace:
  17. Willow

    Lets See those Outdoor Grow Pics !!

    I believe that's a mole... ugly :evil: little critters, no eyes, feet backwards. Eat roots. So dead is good. :blsmoke:
  18. Willow

    For Medicinal Use Only

    Good Evening All I am actually about 78 days into my grow but I wanted to do the grow journal to document my progress and hopefully get input from the vets :blsmoke:. So I am going to start with the fact this was a totally random grow. It was spring and I was planting everything I could get my...
  19. Willow

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks! I've been lurking / poking around the site to try & find it. I can use all the help I can get.:mrgreen: Thanks for the link!