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  1. K

    Pistols (white, brown)

    Hi ive got a few plants and im wondering about my pistol they dont seem to be turning brown they are looking really healthy with plenty of sugar leafe they have been white and like this for about 1 month is this normal for these kind which are ammneasa and califonrian train wreck .Thh e plant...
  2. K

    Stunted Height But Plenty of growth?

    Hi ive just potted 3 diffrent types of plants in 8 litre pots with coco canna 1 of these seems to growing normaly while the other 2 are seem to have stopped at about 8" high , What i cant work out is why there is plenty of growth on these 2 and they look really healthy, but i cant get them to...
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    What have i to look for in the trichomes cheers kingwin
  4. K


    ill get pics the morn
  5. K


    The strain is jock horror auto hope this help ill put some pics on the morn cheers for the info ive got a 25x60 with a light what have i to look for in the trichomes ? 400watt coco canna pro + A+B nuits rizotonic
  6. K


    Hi have a dilema with my harvesting my plant im not tottaly sure when to harvest some of the pistols at the top as in the kola are orange (round about half are orange on the top ) but underneath like at the middle of the plant are still creamy with about 5 or 6 are orange , or do i wait till...
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    Thanks for all the feedback ,cheers can any 1 tell me some strong types that i can get plz . Ive tried a few diffrent strains blueberry ryder .Jamacain dream has ben the best but it wasnt an auto
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    Hi ive growen about 5 atuo's which have looked great plants but the strenth of smoke you get from them are very week , are there any newts i can use to boost the goodness in them ? heres what i use : 400watt coco cann pro + A&B NEWTS RIZOTONIC WATER AND FED EVERY DAY WITH A 20% DRAIN OFF...
  9. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    she has about 15% of her buds hair (not sure what u call this) are going brown.
  10. K

    Don't stand on it smoke it

    Don't stand on it smoke it
  11. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    Thanks for the info , she looks great. i will start to feed every water .cheers
  12. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    Hi yes i am using a schedule and i have kind of started to wing it which i will tell you in a sec , when i water it takes 2L with a 20% run off ,i was told this was ok so i have stuck to this, i do check the ph before and after . Plz let me know if the feed is wrong the only thing is thats not...
  13. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    Hi its coco that im usin with these type of newts canna A and B ,Rihzotonic and canna boost , some of the leaves are getting yellow,should i pick these leaves or just let them alone ? Is all the leaves on this plant giving me that veg smell ?
  14. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    Cheers water is always checked the ph is mostly at 5.8,The light is about 1-2 feet away the temps is 81 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity around 38-45 ,I am also using a hps 250watt in a cupboard lined with the usual it probably needs a bit more water but ive been worried about over watering...
  15. K

    Critical rapido x with critical mass no thc have i got a problem?

    Hi i have a Critical Rapido crossed with a Critical mass (Auto) its been flowering now for about 3 weeks and i cant find any THC on the tri leaves also there is no proper weed smell , basically its smelling as if its still in a veg state is this normal? Im usin canna with all the write...
  16. K

    Help critical mass with spotts

    Are you talking about the Ryder? I did burn the Ryder and nearly killed it . But i have the light 3 feet from the chronic and 1 from the Ryder. The chronic mass is in canna pro an i have been giving it canna a+b and formulex at the start, now going to start with rhizotonic and keep using the a+b...
  17. K

    Help critical mass with spotts

    Hi fellow green fingers i have a Critical Mass that's 24 days since seed , all was going well until i noticed today that on about 30% of my leaves i have very small yellow dots on them which i now have started to worry about ,i have checked for bugs but cant see any . The kicker is that i have...
  18. K

    Is my kola gone for good

    Since the burn the plant has started to give more run off , I used to give it 1litre a day with a 10% run off and now the run off is about 20% , is this normal ? And can anyone tell me what she will do when stressed...?please,cheers
  19. K

    Is my kola gone for good

    Thanks for the info ,cheers Keep it Green.