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  1. kyle69

    My Growbox

  2. kyle69

    Headshops in U.S.A.

    Thats cool, but lets just say im not a "legal Adult" and if im not home at all, does the package require an adult signature???????
  3. kyle69

    Headshops in U.S.A.

  4. kyle69

    Homemade carbon filter

    How well do they really work??
  5. kyle69

    Outdoor Transplant

    I was wondering if i grew a few plants indoor and got them big bulky and made a shitton of coala cuts, kept it in veg state, and transplanted to outside when the days started to get shorter, would it work?, would it produce BIGGER buds, or should i just keep it inside and flower it?????
  6. kyle69

    My Growbox

    Im building a wooden growbox and i was wandrin if 4 2ft cfls and one of those imcedecent swirly bulbs would be only growin 3 plants...... thanks:joint:=:hump:
  7. kyle69

    Headshops in U.S.A.

  8. kyle69

    My Secret Closet Grow

    im a complete newb but do they smell that bad? it obvious that im growin cause of tht smell..........does it come on gradually or do you just wake up one mornin, damn, it smells like plant!!!!!
  9. kyle69

    My Secret Closet Grow

    Yes i am a very young apprentice......My parents dont give a shit wat i do as long as i clean it up, however i dont thnk i would be allowed to have a plant. so im just gonna keep it hidden, in my room there is these 2 doors, the one to the attic the other to the chimney, the one with chimney is...
  10. kyle69

    Headshops in U.S.A.

    Does anyone here know of any good headshops in the USA? Im a little nervous with buying stuff over seas. The only one i know of is and they dont offer a huge selection....or legal weed.... :joint:=:hump:
  11. kyle69

    My Secret Closet Grow

    Yes i plan on posting pics weekly
  12. kyle69

    My Secret Closet Grow

    So the last week and a half ive been jerminating some seeds. They are from my stash so i have no idea wat strain they are, but there was about 20 of them and only 8 jermed. So i planted six of the healthiest looking ones into one of those jiffy window greenhouses and moved it into the grow...
  13. kyle69

    A way to make 2 main coalas

    is there a limit to how many times you can cut??....if i cut it like 20 times lets say, and tie it up, down, around, and all other fukin ways to keep it up.......would i end up with a bunch of big buds......or a bunch of small buds.......or would it even work......why am i still talking???.....
  14. kyle69

    Enough light?????(pics)

    can someone here tell me how to make a new a newb here..
  15. kyle69

    What the hell is this??

    keep posting updated pics, that looks cool......although i doubt an extra leaf will mean any thing unless your making hash.....
  16. kyle69

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow

  17. kyle69

    Toad's Grow

    What strain is this?
  18. kyle69

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow currently building a wooden crate like thing, therefore i can control all the variables inside and keep the plant hidden. it will be 5 ft tall 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide, im putting a cfl in each corner and a sodium at the top. a vent in the back at the top with 2 computer fans blowing...
  19. kyle69

    need help with grow box design

    i was wandrin if anyone had any tips on grwing a plant in a crate