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  1. Og $kunk

    What's happing?

    Ok this is a better pic of what I'm talking about because their seems to be confusion on what I'm talking about lol.....okay what I was previously talking about and the whole reason I posted this was to see what those little white hair looking things are coming out the leafs of my seedling...and...
  2. Og $kunk

    Organic Feeding 101.

    Just wondering about the " fruit tea" what kinds of fruits are suitable for this process? And where is the best place to store this in till it becomes of use?
  3. Og $kunk

    What's happing?

    Okay for some reason I'm having trouble uploading a better pic but in the first cup with the plant that has not yet grown any leafs yet their are two distinct white hair things ( for lack of a better term) that pop out on each side of the plant ....
  4. Og $kunk

    What's happing?

    Okay so I'm new to growing this is my first attempt at growing my own bud but anyways so as you see in the pic I attached there are little white hairs on my 1 week old purp plant and I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it's way to earlier for those to be popping up right?:neutral: Just looking...