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  1. solid shadow

    Reservoir Question

    I've got a spare water pump that I'd been using previously in a now-defunct res. I was wondering if using it as a powerhead in my current res would supply enough oxygen to the roots or if I should stick with an airstone. I'd like to use the airstone in my aerocloner but thought I'd get your...
  2. solid shadow

    Rooting hormone question

    I've read on this site and in a few other places about people using nothing but natural honey for rooting their clones. Is there any truth to this? I can't afford a decent rooting gel (the three hydro shops around here sell gel for upwards of $40.00 US per container). I'm using a powdered...
  3. solid shadow

    Trim Vegging Mom

    My hydro plant is running out of room! She's about two feet tall at the moment, and has gotten nearly three feet wide. I just don't have the space to allow for anymore outward growth, but I can handle another 12-18 inches of upward growth. Will trimming the offending fanleaves have any negative...
  4. solid shadow


    Like many growers who like to DIY their grow rooms, equipment, etc., I'm constantly on the lookout for bits and pieces which might be beneficial to my grow somehow. Like finding cheap lamps at a thrift store and tearing the light sockets out of them for use elsewhere, or maybe a high CFM PC fan...
  5. solid shadow

    Light fixture question

    I've read in a few posts here about a fixture which basically amounts to a female light fixture that plugs directly into an extension cord or wall outlet. I've seen a few pictures of them as well. I've looked all over town, been to every hardware/dept. store but I cannot find them anywhere...
  6. solid shadow

    WTF is this on my leaves, anyhoo?

    I've had some minor problems with nute burn and high PH but I thought I'd cleared them up... I was looking through my plants today and was shocked to find this damaged leaf. It is damaged extensively, far worse than any of the other older leaves which had problems previously. The damage looks...
  7. solid shadow

    increase humidity

    I'm having a bit of an issue with the humidity in my grow box. It's too low. Like, usually between 23% - 38%. Rarely does it go above 40%. I've tried putting an open container of water under my lights, but as I'm doing a CFL grow, there's really not a whole lot of heat and the water evaporates...
  8. solid shadow

    Whitefly problem

    Well, whitefly has once again descended upon my plants. I have already used the last of my yellow whitefly sticky traps; apparently so has everyone else in town. You'd think that a metroplitan city would have at least one place carrying the damn traps but NOOOOOOOOOO! We can't have that right...
  9. solid shadow

    Avoiding root damage

    Since I changed out my resivoir last, my plants' roots have undergone a massive growth spurt. One plant is sporting about six inches worth from its mesh pot, the other has at least eighteen inches as of this morning. They've taken to wrapping themselves around the drip lines running from my pump...
  10. solid shadow

    Help! Nute Burn Or Something More Sinister?

    I'm growing two plants under CFL's in a homebrew hydro tub with rockwool and hydroton, General Hydroponics Micro and Grow formulas (using the "vegetative stage" mixing ratios) through a drip system, and I've got an airstone inside the tub. The plants sprouted March 3rd; one is about four inches...
  11. solid shadow

    Reflectors for CFL's

    I've gotten a lot of contradictory information in my web surfing, so I thought I'd ask this here. I'm growing with 100-150 watt CFL's; currently I don't have reflectors on the bulbs. I've considered getting some but I've read in a few places that you shouldn't use reflectors with these bulbs...
  12. solid shadow

    How often to water?

    I'm growing two plants in a hydroponic grow-box which uses a drip irrigation system to water the plants. The plants are being grown from seed and just sprouted their first leaves a little over a week ago. I've been watering about five times a day thus far; the box stays warm and pretty humid...
  13. solid shadow

    Discoloration on Rockwool

    I recently plopped some seedlings into rockwool cubes, four to be exact. The cubes are 2x2 squares. I'm using a drip system with General Hydroponics Micro and Grow solutions, using the "general purpose - mild" mix recipe. This is all in hydroton pebbles under about 18000 lumens of cheap flouro...
  14. solid shadow

    the man who cannot sprout a single seed :(

    I'm hoping someone might have some good advice for me... I've been growing vegetables hydroponically for several months now, with good results. Not once have I run across seeds which would not sprout, from tomatoes to peas to chili peppers. Recently an old weed wizard passed some seeds down to...