Search results

  1. MileHighChic

    GOOD Movies to wach wile on psychedelics

    This crazy animated movie called Kaena...great for when you're high. I love watching Planet Earth series while smoking on some bomb diggity dank. It's so visual, entertaining and a great way to learn about our world. Honestly any movie about getting high on pot and partying. 1. Dazed and...
  2. MileHighChic

    Good ways to pass a UA in two weeks

    Buy some detox tea or drink from the headshop. Drink a ton of fluids to flush your system out. Drink a couple of shots of vinegar daily , not on an empty me it worked for my friend. He smoked 4 days before his UA and passed.
  3. MileHighChic

    How to eliminate mites for future grows? help!

    The best thing to use is neem oil. It's natural, organic and safe to use. I am currently using Gardensafe by's a fungicide, pesticide and miticide in one. Works like a charm!
  4. MileHighChic

    Grrrrrrrr someone ganked my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stupid ass thieves...hope they choke on it and have a hernia. It's crazy....shady people are all around us living off of greed and evil. We all need to be more cautious and beware of fucked up assholes like these thieves. Sorry it happened to you....growing inside may be safer for you...
  5. MileHighChic

    What's your favorite weed song

    There are a lot of great rap songs out there! What exactly is consider real music in your world?
  6. MileHighChic

    What's your favorite weed song

    Sublime- Smoke Two Joints.."I smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feels alright. I smoke two joints in time of peace and two in time of war. I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more."...
  7. MileHighChic

    Large white seed found in main stem?

    A fable is usually a fictional story or tale that is highly imaginative with talking animals. A lesson is always learned at the end of the story. Aesop's Fables is a collection of these stories.
  8. MileHighChic

    Help! Need Advice ASAP!

    Yeah, I would just get rid of all evidence for a while. I'm sure the Comcast worker has seen plenty of stuff like that before and probably doesn't give a damn. Our cable guy saw our plants and was cool with the situation. Why would he narc you out unless he's an evil, anti-pot person? I doubt...
  9. MileHighChic

    First Harvest - How'd I do?

    wow..looks nice dude...great job on your first grow and I hope mine turns out like that! I'm guessing 1 oz or so.
  10. MileHighChic

    apartment broken into, two plants jacked really does suck and whoever did it...hope they get their asses kicked to a pulp. Shady people should be punished severly. Having your plants stolen is like someone kidnapping your child...terrible, just terrible. Evil people should be thrown into a barrel of acid! But besides...
  11. MileHighChic

    best movies while high

    Of course.... Harold and Kumar Kids Dazed and Confused Alpha Dog Friday The Beach all the Cheech and Chong movies Harsh Times Shootas...with Ky-mani Marley is a great movie to watch while blazed.
  12. MileHighChic

    Leaves are curling and burnt?

    Recently I had to move a couple of plants in from the outdoors to my indoor grow room. I also had to transplanted them to a bigger planter. It had a slight spider mite problem so I sprayed it good with some Schultz Gardensafe spray with pyrethin. I must have gotten so over zealous with it...
  13. MileHighChic

    What other plants do well next to Marijuana?

    Hi..I was wondering if there are other beneficial plants that grows well with marijuana? My garden is indoors and I have a limited amout of weed I can grow but I have room for other plants. Does anybody know what pairs well with the Mighty Cannabis?
  14. MileHighChic


    My Hash Plant is in it's 6th week of flowering and I have been feeding it molasses (2 tbl to a gallon) every other watering . It perked my baby right up and added a nice shiny green color to the leaves. The best part, the buds are getting a lot of trichomes crystals and swelling up like a...
  15. MileHighChic

    Serious AK-47 harvest pics

    Nice grow, bro! Yummy yum yum
  16. MileHighChic

    Pre-Harvest Game Plan

    I would def flush and use molasses until the last week...
  17. MileHighChic

    Am I Fucked?

    ONe more thing...I thought smoking weed was supposed to make you mellow and peaceful not act all belligerent and obnoxious. Chill...and peace!
  18. MileHighChic

    Am I Fucked?

    Ha ha..I see a lot of testosterone flaring up in her. You guys are fucking funny. Posting pics and Anywayz, growing at your parents is a very bad idea. It will takes many months for the plant to even be ready so I suggest maybe that you can find a nice secluded spot in the...
  19. MileHighChic

    bitch busted me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I absolutly abhor pigs and snitches..wish them the worst of luck. Anywayz..I would def get rid of all evidence...take down the grow room...hide or throw away all marijuana paraphelia. Get rid of everything for now and get a good ass lawyer!
  20. MileHighChic

    cold temps=decreased potency??

    Mine are in Colorado and it gets pretty chilly at night here. About 55 to 60 at night and they seemed to be doing just fine.