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  1. C

    Ebb and Flow

    I have also looked into building one, but since I've never attempted hyro before I don't want to fuck of my first go by messing up a measurement or god knows what else. I am still considering building one but I would like to find a good step by step picture tutorial before I attempt it. Well...
  2. C

    Ebb and Flow

    Hey does anyone have a link to a hydroponics site where I can buy a complete Ebb and Flow system? i am looking for a 3*3 system.. thanks a loit of anyone can point me in the right direction. I have had no look searching around google. Thanks
  3. C

    Soil is for Suckers

    Well I'm just poking around and thought I'd throw in a post. I currently have only ever grown soil, but I must say I am looking forward to my first hydro grow... whenever that may be. I'm sure It'll be successful with all the knowledge on these boards.
  4. C

    Weird look' lady

    Hey I have a very weird looking lady, I don't know if its just because its so stretched or what, so take a look and tell me what you think. The rest of her sisters are all outside, this one I'm hoping to keep inside as a mother. She's under 3 42watt fluoros at the moment because of space...
  5. C

    enough light?

    I think you answered your own question in your first post.... more light
  6. C

    Please HELP anyone who can !!!

    It looks to me as though its just overwatered from the flush. I think it will be fine in a few days. Hey I'm no expert though.
  7. C

    flowering for almost a month

    Hey good job, you say this is your first time growing? If so I think your doing a really good job. Theres not much more I can add besides what the post above me says... more light! lol In all honesty I would get as much light as you possibly can. If you can get a hold of some cfls to work...
  8. C

    How to grow weed in your room woth out anyone knowing

    Wow just read this whole thread. Props Feild of dreams..... wheres the harvest pics tho?
  9. C

    Outdoor Paranoia

    Its more work but try putting patches of 5 or so in many different places. This way if something happens to 1 patch you still have 4 more patches. I don't know if this has been said already I didn't read all the posts.
  10. C

    Late Planting

    They most likely will be fine, may just have a smaller yield come harvest season.
  11. C

    Aeroflo2 series

    Have you ever had any problems running out of root room with your tomatoes? How tall do you grow them. Hey sorry for all the questions here, I'm trying to make my decision on this system but its hard to get info on.
  12. C

    Harvest Every 2 Weeks Sog Style (pics!!) Master Kush!

    Very Nice, I may be interested in trying something like this out. What do you have invested in this set up? It may be short term memory loss, but did you say how many lights you will have running all this, and how many plants you'll have going total? good job man
  13. C

    Yeild Of Incandesant

    <QUOTE> my crappy incadesent grow was when i was young and foolish. Got two scrawny plants given to me, and i tried it under incadesents, cos i didnt know jack then! like i said before u could have twenty and weep wen u hardly yeild a thing! soz to be so blunt but you need to put that hps to...
  14. C

    Aeroflo2 series

    What are you yielding off of your 20 site aeroflo, and what are you using for lighting? Got any pics? Do you think 2 600watt lights would be sufficient, I would use more but I'm trying to set it up to use as little electricity as possible. Anyway thanks for the reply, I was starting to...
  15. C

    Aeroflo2 series

    Hey I'm new to this forum, I just have a couple of questions. When your growing hydroponics, is a 3 inch grow cup big enough to grow a mature plant? The reason I'm asking is because I'm interested in purchasing either the Aeroflo2 36 site system, or the 60 site system. Would 2 600watt lights...
  16. C

    Aeroflow2 60 Plant Site

    ***Sorry I have double posted this, I didn't know their was forum dedicated to hydro.*** Hey all, I'm brand new here. I've made my way over here from another forum that I use to post at that seems to be just about dead now. This place seems a little more lively so maybe it'll be my new home...
  17. C

    Automatic Strain PC Stealth Grow

    Hey nice name cc420 lol.... this Auto Ak47 is it like a lowrider? How long does it take from seed to flower?
  18. C

    Aeroflow2 60 Plant Site

    Hey all, I'm brand new here. I've made my way over here from another forum that I use to post at that seems to be just about dead now. This place seems a little more lively so maybe it'll be my new home.. Anyway I'm looking for opinions on the Aeroflow2 60 plant site system as well as some...