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  1. brissel

    Week five with red hairs???

    put the picture in paint to get rid of exif data man
  2. brissel

    Why haven't my seeds sprouted yet?

    i would wrap up that bottle with black paper or something roots dont really like light
  3. brissel

    Please use proper English

    god damn it huehuehuehue
  4. brissel

    Is it possible to flower with 5000k

    its definitely possible its not very optimal though
  5. brissel

    Sick flowering sativa plant :(

    im no expert but that clawing signifies nitrogen toxicity maybe early stage
  6. brissel

    Too much light maybe? Pics

    i think its heat stressed a little bit
  7. brissel

    Please help new grower here don't want these to die

    i wouldnt just water every 3 days make sure they are thirsty before giving them water
  8. brissel

    Slow growth? (something feels wrong)

    stick with a light schedule man dont switch it all over the place
  9. brissel

    What is wrong?

  10. brissel

    Help My Sugar Please.

    lel top kek
  11. brissel

    top of plant turning to side

    Are your lights directly over it? Or off to the left?
  12. brissel

    Please help my babies are dying week 7

    pretty sure thats natural yellow
  13. brissel

    Stealth shipping for magic mushroom

    spore depot they have sweet deals
  14. brissel

    brown rice pasta substitute

    can i use brown rice pasta as a substitute for BRF in the substrate jars?
  15. brissel


    e every time hahhaha
  16. brissel

    Am I using too much light?

    you can get real close with cfl's meng
  17. brissel

    Are my [plants healthy

    hahahaha thats hella funny