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  1. P

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, I am a newbie here. We recently started a worm farm using African Nightcrawlers. Started in less than a year ago with around 1500 worms and are now sitting at 64,000 worms. We produce high quality worm castings and also have a 150 gallon vortex tea brewer. Check us out on our facebook page...
  2. P

    Worm Castings?

    We have African night crawlers at our worm farm...they eat peat moss and a grain mix. They product great high quality worm castings...we advise people to do a 20% casting mix in their plants!
  3. P

    100% pure earthworm castings.. alpaca gold.. ?? roots organic BIG WORM.. ?

    My family owns a worm farm. We produce high quality worm castings made from African Nightcrawlers. We also make Compost Tea and have it running and fresh available daily. If anyone is interested you can go to our facebook page, or our website...