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  1. smith4924

    Is this sulphur and/or mag. Defi. ?

    I have 21 of these Think Different auto flower plants going right now under 3000 watts. I am feeding with the expert bundle from advanced nutrients with R/O water and cal-mag at 1 tsp per/gallon mixing 35 gallons every 3 days. I just started getting this problem about 5 days ago and did a...
  2. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    Well lucky for you there is forums. lol lots of people to help
  3. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    These are some of the auto's I am growing. They have been through a spider mite battle where I got a clone from someone and was vegged it in this room not knowing it had mites and they spread to a few of mine. I used a pyrithian they sprayed with azamax and neem oil a few times and have so far...
  4. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    thanks that's a super skunk X MOB cross of my own making that I grew a while ago... you can check out some nice TD auto's in my journal they changed the way I think about auto's........hope you get this straightened out man spider mites can be a real bitch
  5. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    take your plant to the sink holding you hands over the soil so it doesn't fall out and tip the plant on its side and rinse with cool ''not cold'' water. Then gently rub and press on the leaves without damaging the vains
  6. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    If you can not see any moving spots or eggs on the leaf vain my guess is it is not mites. I just had problems with them in my grow and its been a 3 month battle to get rid of them, and has cost me a lot of $$
  7. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    true most don't like the idea as I don't either but I understand where your coming from if its all you got. I have seen very good results with it ''if used lightly'' not sure if you have even seen BUDMAN on youtube but he uses it and get huge plants......Just be careful not to over water with...
  8. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    some are brownish red ''adults'' then eggs and baby's are light colored white. usually when they die they turn black but there should be little tiny white balls along the leaf's main vain.... is that a clone?
  9. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    I am not sure that they are causing all the yellowing though ''if you even have them'' the yellowing looks to be a nitrogen def. does your soil have any fert. in it or are you starting to feed them anything?
  10. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    that does kind of look like it but turn your leaves over and check the underneath's of them and if you have them its fine your plant is small enough at this point you can squish them with your fingers ''eggs and mites''
  11. smith4924

    Spider Mites

    can you get a picture. Spider mites leave really tiny speckling on the leaves and 9 times out of 10 when you flip the leaf over there will be eggs ''tiny white eggs'' along the main vain of the leaf
  12. smith4924

    3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow

    I used 3 and 5 gallon pot and wish I used 7 gallon. also if done under a scrog then it will increase yield a lot... I had to move to a new room because I has 7 foot ceilings and they were hitting my lights so they get huge quickly
  13. smith4924

    3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow

    Thanks for the kind words diesel.....I am hoping somewhere near 300-350+ and also Tony from Dutch Passion seems to think it will be a large harvest too... Still have a while to go and anything can go wrong though but if everything stays good all the way through that's what I should be looking...
  14. smith4924

    3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow

    I never considered auto's until I saw Seymour do his TD grow on youtube. Then I joined AFN and talked to him about it and took the step. And man am I glad I did. Some people don't like the fact that they take up to 100 days but the yield is worth it and the smoke is some of the strongest I have...
  15. smith4924

    3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow

    These are at WEEK 7 DAY 1 from seed. I will push the TD'S past the 85 day harvest DP says and onto about 100 days depending on tric development/color.
  16. smith4924

    3000 watt Think Different Autoflower grow

    Hey everyone I have not been using this forum because I could not upload photo's to it until now. I am a well knows active user on AFN forum atm. So what I have here is a 14x20 flower room filled with mostly Think Different auto's and a few others like diesel auto, Auto Wappa, AK Auto etc. Tony...
  17. smith4924

    Starting My First Grow Need Some Advice

    both the secret jardin and gorilla tents are made with good material and have a IR blocker in the ceiling of them. Sunshine #4 is an awesome soilless mix and if you want just add a little dolomite lime to it so it adjust your ph to between 6-7 people say use a lot but sunshine #4 had dolomite in...
  18. smith4924

    First Ever Autofower Grow ''Think Different'' +some

    after these autos are done during summer I will be filling the whole room with Blue Dream and Strawberry Cough and a few A. Gold
  19. smith4924

    First Ever Autofower Grow ''Think Different'' +some

    in order of pictures:#1 auto Think Different 2 day old seedling but look closely and there is a second sprout that looks like a piece of grass. weird! #2 5 days of rooting on a MOB using voodoo juice and piranha #3 all the auto's including 7 TD 8 Auto Wappa bought 10 pack and 2 didn't germ. #4...