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  1. NLXSK1

    This Just In... Obama has already got a new job!!

    Isnt it interesting that Obama commuted sentences of 1700 criminals yet somehow forgot Hillary Clinton?!??! MAGA!!!
  2. NLXSK1

    Representative Lewis

    Is a clear demonstration of why we need term limits. He has declared that for the first time he is boycotting the inauguration because 'Trump' is not the legitimate president. It seems he forgot that he boycotted an inauguration because 'Bush' was not the legitimate president either. Washed...
  3. NLXSK1

    Cyber Security...

    I got mocked a few days ago for saying that Trump was going to increase cyber security. "Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani announced on "Fox and Friends" Thursday that he will be heading up a new cyber security committee for President-elect Donald Trump. The committee is set to meet...
  4. NLXSK1

    5 minutes

    Apparently, Obama has 5 minutes between the changing of the congress to try to jam through a recess supreme court appointment. Do you think he has the audacity to try it and secondly, do you think it would stand?
  5. NLXSK1

    Trump Won...

  6. NLXSK1

    Media Clueless about Trump Administration...

    Note to media... Trump is not a politician. If you look at everything through a political lens you are gonna get it wrong 95% of the time. Trump tweeted out that China can keep the drone they stole. This is an act of strength unlike Obama who is whining for them to give it back which makes...
  7. NLXSK1

    Russian MEME thread!!

    Add your best Russian MEME'S.
  8. NLXSK1

    Kanye West meets with Trump

    And gets a bro-hug on the way out the door!!! Go Trumpster!
  9. NLXSK1

    3 strikes and yer out!!!

    A federal judge Wednesday night shut down Michigan’s presidential recount, ruling that Green Party candidate Jill Stein has no constitutional right to demand a recount. Photo source: The Daily Caller Stein has sought a recount of the presidential vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania...
  10. NLXSK1

    Trumps Kids getting top secret clearance...

    So Trump wants his wife and 3 kids to get top secret clearance. I guess he wants them as advisors. I am on the fence about this one. I mean none of them has policy experience to help with advice. I wonder what kind of clearance past presidents wives have had from Regan through Obama to see...
  11. NLXSK1

    The first 3 members of Trumps administrative team are....

    A woman, a gay man and a black man. Could it be more inclusive than that? Could we all take a deep breath and try to come together as Americans?
  12. NLXSK1

    Anti-Trump Protests

    People are already protesting Trump for what he hasnt done yet..... ROFLMAO!!!
  13. NLXSK1

    Election DAY!!!!

    I pray to the gods that no matter what happens, LET IT BE OVER TODAY... NO HANGING FUCKING CHADS!!!!
  14. NLXSK1

    What are you going to do...

    When the candidate you are voting for loses?
  15. NLXSK1

    Who you gonna call?

    The leader of the New Black Panther Party, Tampa chapter, had a run-in with an African-American thug while walking home from a nightclub in Ybor City. Fox News reported that Mohammad, who was formerly known as Clarence Jones, and two of his friends were robbed at gunpoint by a thug who was...
  16. NLXSK1

    What the flaming fuck??

    "A company made up of a few dozen people just got permission from a collection of federal agencies to try to land on the moon. If they succeed, they'll follow the only three entities — the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China — to touch down on the moon. The trip would take them 10...
  17. NLXSK1

    Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

    Yep, In a deal that happened at exactly the same time (yet was completely different) LOL!!!! Obama delivered $400 million dollars in CASH to the Iranians. Then they covered it up. Fucking unbelievable... THANKS OBAMA!!!
  18. NLXSK1

    Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

    "We have all seen or heard about leftist protesters demanding a $15 hourly minimum wage and the Democrat-controlled cities and states where they have succeeded in having their demands implemented. Seattle is one of those cities. It currently mandates an $11 hourly wage, a temporary step on the...
  19. NLXSK1

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    Nice speech! His daughter did well too! Oh, and she looked fucking fantastic wearing a dress that cost $139.00 that she designed herself. I think it would be a hoot for all the Trump supporters out there that are women went out and bought that dress and wore it for the inauguration!!! TRUMP!!!
  20. NLXSK1


    I dont know much about the guy. I am sorta like eh.... Is he a worthwhile addition to the ticket? Christy might make a decent AG but I am worried about him going after MMJ so I would have rather seen him VP. Interesting to see how Trump fills the ticket.