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  1. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    "I'm working with Doc on his farm making shit happen." Now that is the best news! Doc is a good man who deserves GOOD people to work with....just like you! Aw, so happy that Jig is on track. WHEW! I will check your work out. Please let Doc know that he far from forgotten.
  2. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    P.S. All Love to Jigfresh....Hoping that he is WAY past the Trouble!
  3. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    Hey Bob, thanks for asking. I dropped in and found a note from Bassman too. I realize how much I might have helped during this freaking madness. I have bought into zero bullshit, from the beginning....we are the Carbon they want to reduce. Full Stop! LOL, but I am indeed above ground...
  4. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    That is the work area.....same as always. :0) That is the LEC tent....the ladies along the back are close....l to r they are GSC, Tangie, Sour Diesel, and Sour Kosher. That is my Sour Tangie, in the HPS tent. Very close too. This is my Triple Cheese. This is my Cali Connection...
  5. Javadog

    Javadog's Next Adventure

    Hey Bro, It is good to see you up and about. :0) I hope that Life has been good to you. Just a moment....I will take some snaps. :0) JD
  6. Javadog

    The AltarNational Garden

    #metoo LOL
  7. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    I will take a look. It sounds like you are able to put on a neat show. I remember really enjoying the glass blowers when I was a kid. Carry on!
  8. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Bro I was sorry to read this. I understand. They say "may you live in interesting times" and I suppose that I can understand....but we live in a time when the lines on the map seem blurred to some extent. It is not clear where one starts a life in this country. Your effort has been...
  9. Javadog

    Club 600

    Even in the dark those look fat. :0)
  10. Javadog

    Marijuana Seeds

    I do not think that there is anywhere that Attitude does not send....but there must be exceptions. Use the Security Option. They will repack the items into some normal item to send.
  11. Javadog

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Crispy looking crunchy! That Clementine cross has nice structure. :0)
  12. Javadog

    World Of Hempy

    On the auto-water issue the only thing that comes to mind is that one will lose the aeration that a full watering purportedly draws into the medium. Coolio otherwise.
  13. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    You are wise to point out that mums-the-word Bro. I could easily see someone, myself even, seeing and *recognizing* your stuff and blurting out "High from Roll It Up!" Well, I would not "RIU" but I could easily see finding it out there. This is the cost of having such unique work. :0) Like...
  14. Javadog

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Nice Catch up. Enjoy the product. That 1st unknown has an interesting coloration....or maybe its all the frost! :0)
  15. Javadog

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    LOL #4 does so rock it! :0)
  16. Javadog

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Well....welcome back! I am just poking about my old threads.... I am working hard IRL but still have some nice ladies going. No Main-Lines at this time, but I hope to get back to proper vegging. We will see. Good luck!
  17. Javadog

    Bob Bitchen's buds

    Early Frost!
  18. Javadog

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Ooh that rings a bell! :0)
  19. Javadog

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Agreed....late low and that far along do suggest less reason for concern....
  20. Javadog

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Your latest buy there reminds me of the Panasonic Whisperline that I bought for my tent. It has been fantastic, for years. JD