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  1. rooger68c

    Rvt. Dos an donts

    My friend recently suggested putting rvt on the filter patch of a grow bag. Can someone help with insight as to why this is a good idea or potentially bad idea
  2. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    Hello again to those that are paying attention. Dropping by the thread to season up with a progress report concerning the grain to I grain an mono tub observations. G2G spawn:02/8/2022 PC’d 4 jars of casing soil, as well as 10 mason jars with one jar of fully colonized substrate.**** 02/10/2022...
  3. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    All insight helps. Will consider this as an alternative.
  4. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    Had this book for a while. Has helped tremendously
  5. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    This came from the mushroom cultivator. I’ll post a pic of cover
  6. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    I do have a SAB as well, though using it is frustrating for me personally. Seems awkward to perform my tasks. I’ve had success without the SAB, though it can be helpful. I would like a flow hood to install in the cave I’m currently in. Have thought to build my own as well.
  7. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    I inoculated from mss on sept. 13th last year. Had mycelium sitting in the back of the fridge for a few months.
  8. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    I had just finished showering. Never had problems from doing this. Not a habit. Though I found myself comfortable while engaged. Least I had something on the underside
  9. rooger68c

    Master spawnin an monotubin go fund me for flow hood

    Getting thread monkeys! Been a min. Never kept a thread in order on track, though imma roll it up right this time... there is probably a number of those that exist. This is my first I feel will help. First let’s go through items obtained to achieve this without too many hiccups. I.)Quart sized...
  10. rooger68c


    You do understand the nature of this thread?
  11. rooger68c


    To sterilize substrate yes. I have an national from1930s. Though decommissioned due to faulty petock. More pain than the luxury of a pressure gauge, though I'm knowledgeable on operating.
  12. rooger68c


    Doubles as an autoclave you should try it
  13. rooger68c


    Have a farberware pressure cooker from Walmart. 4 strains. Going to master spawn as well bulk substrate an monotubs. Will post pix soon.
  14. rooger68c

    adding more mycelium on already mixed monotub

    I could refrigerate the mycelium for storage. I would like to master spawn if possible
  15. rooger68c

    adding more mycelium on already mixed monotub

    have minitub in the process of fruiting. mixed it 2 days ago. was wondering if it's okay to add another jar of colonized grains?