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  1. Kaya86


    No idea if i am posting in the right place, seemed the most appropriate place to post so i apologize if i was wrong. My question basically is this i have a sharpstone grinder and the screen between the collecter and kief catcher is coated in kief. I have tried using the scraper that came with...
  2. Kaya86

    Marbles in a bong

    Hey all I was wondering if anyone else had tried this, I saw the diffusing balls and thought to myself why spend the money on that when you can buy a huge bag or marbles for the same cost. I can report happily that added to a bong with water it does diffuse the smoke really nicely, have had...
  3. Kaya86

    Hi diddly ho

    Hey all, Im Jordan, use marijuana medicinally and i love getting high and creating bongs. Absolute advocate that marijuana should be legalized And as the bible says grind it up roll it up smoke it up :joint:
  4. Kaya86

    Forest Skunk/Colombian Skunk

    Hi guys, I have had the forest skunk/Colombian skunk a few times now and i would love to know more information about as it has to be one of my personal favorites. Unfortunately the only information i am able to find is that is a a grade A++++ medical strain and that's it, anyone out there...
  5. Kaya86

    Newbie Grower

    Hey All, So i didn't expect to be growing marijuana, i found some seeds in the weed i had been buying and had attempted a few methods for plant growth. The first method i tried was just planting a seed and seeing what happened, the second was to plant add bong water and see what happens and...