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  1. Graehstone

    The Hippies Were Right All Along -- We Knew That

    USA -- Go ahead, name your movement. Name something good and positive and pro-environment and eco-friendly that's happening in the newly "greening" of America and don't say more guns in Texas or fewer reproductive choices for women because that would defeat the whole point of this perky little...
  2. Graehstone

    Have a Happy Hippie Sunday

    YouTube - The 60's: Peace Love & Music
  3. Graehstone

    The Legalization of MJ on CNN Lou Dobbs

    Lou Dobbs Tonight - Partial Transcript Source: CNN The war on drugs in this country is being fought at the federal, state and local level as law enforcement officials try to crack down on drug smuggling and drug sales. But what you might find surprising is what's happening in some of the...
  4. Graehstone

    The Barrel Two

    To those of you that followed my somewhat bumpy progress on my first Barrel grow, I can now say that I have ironed out boo-boo’s and mistakes that I had problems with the last time, you know, like brainfarts and bouts of dumbassitis. I remembered to keep something plugged in and I...
  5. Graehstone

    Marijuana-Like Chemicals Helps Treat Parkinson's

    Stanford, Calif. -- Marijuana-like chemicals in the brain may point to a treatment for the debilitating condition of Parkinson's disease. In a study to be published in the Feb. 8 issue of Nature, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine report that endocannabinoids, naturally...
  6. Graehstone

    The Barrel

    Hello there kindred spirits, my name is Graehstone on the net and I am a disabled Vet that lives in the SoCal area and I suffer from Degenerative Disc disease, Scheuermanns disease, Scoliosis, Migraines … I have been a MMJ Patient for some time and due to living in a single income household it...