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  1. burpshard


    Hey Kids, Had to downsize to a studio apt, but I found a cool spot with lots of hiding places. I have a small area 65"W 76"L 40"H Is that height just too low for my 1000W light, I'll have no problem venting/cooling, but am I just pissing in the wind as far as height? Anybody gone this small...
  2. burpshard

    Are LEd Lights bad during flowering?

    Thanks man, we've been veggin for a while, and I just wanted to make sure after all that work. Just put it here in the noob section to get a quick answer, them girls are 6 ft tall...
  3. burpshard

    Are LEd Lights bad during flowering?

    Thanks for the advice
  4. burpshard

    Are LEd Lights bad during flowering?

    Hey Gang, Should I be worried about LED lights while flowering from an air conditioner or a power strip, one led is green one led is orange... Any help please.
  5. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Hey Folks, Got some pics showin off the girls, and a maybe girl, could use some help with that one. here they are looking strong. First pic is the AK47 Second pic is the Blue Berry Third pic is of the one male we took out today, hope we didn't wait too long.. Fourth pic is of the...
  6. burpshard

    Sexytime.....(((PICS)))_end week 8

    updating my journal tonight.... -b
  7. burpshard

    Sexytime.....(((PICS)))_end week 8

    Hey Folks, Got some pics showin off the girls, and a maybe girl, could use some help with that one. here they are looking strong. First pic is the AK47 Second pic is the Blue Berry Third pic is of the one male we took out today, hope we didn't wait too long.. Fourth pic is of the...
  8. burpshard

    I believe she's a girl! ((PIC))

    Thanks for all the reply's keeping an eye on it for the next few days
  9. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Thanks for the heads up, there's a few, we got some neem, oil seems to be doing the job.
  10. burpshard

    I believe she's a girl! ((PIC))

    I think it is!
  11. burpshard

    I believe she's a girl! ((PIC))

    another shot a bit darker....
  12. burpshard

    I believe she's a girl! ((PIC))

    I'd say she's a she, 44 days_old
  13. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    after some bad weather, and horrible winds, we've decided to move our grow indoors. shit sucked, we had a few cfl's and a florescent going, probably 100w all together, girls grew real slow. So we went out and got a 400 hps, here we go, after just 2 days, they are back in action. So far we have...
  14. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Just checked your journal, babes look real healthy. I actually started them in direct sun, when they were about your size to get them used to it I recently moved my grow indoors for a few reasons, got a 400 hps
  15. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Here's the pics
  16. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Hey, gonna start hitting the nutes, and suggestions?
  17. burpshard

    One month old outdoor

    I used miracle grow for the seedlings and went to fox farm when I transplanted. I've read that the ff soil will have enough nutes for a few weeks. they are in the 3rd week since the transplant, so nute schedule stars this coming week. The miracle grow is kinda hard on the seedlings, and has...
  18. burpshard

    One month old outdoor

    hey, temps have been cold up here in the mountains, I've had them inside the past week under lights. been seeing an assortment of bugs, gonna get some Neem Oil this week to mix into some watering. Just found out we'll be moving to palm springs in a month, they'll love it I'm sure.
  19. burpshard

    Our First Grow ~ Cali Outdoor!

    Woke up to snow on thursday morning....then snowed off and on all day friday, misserable weekend, and today is the first day of ok sun...
  20. burpshard

    2nd year (PICS!)

    looking great, keep em going