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  1. I <3 Cannabis

    Hydroxyz HCL- Can I get stoned off of this?

    Ok, I just took 30mg worth of this stuff (10mg snorted, and 20mg oral). Not feeling anything yet.
  2. I <3 Cannabis

    Hydroxyz HCL- Can I get stoned off of this?

    Yeah, I found a site online and it said they would do that. I found some other pills called Cyclobenzapr They are from my moms dentist, so they might be painkillers or something. Would they do anything?
  3. I <3 Cannabis

    Hydroxyz HCL- Can I get stoned off of this?

    I was ravaging through my parents medicine cabinet, and I found these small pills (10mg) called Hyrdoxyz HLC. The name Hydroxyz sounds funky enough as it is, so I am wondering if anyone can give me the info on dosage, should I snort or pop. Etc, Etc. Thanks.
  4. I <3 Cannabis

    Weird body buzz? No drugs.. Just occured...

    Oh ok, thanks. I'll see what he thinks.
  5. I <3 Cannabis

    Weird body buzz? No drugs.. Just occured...

    I don't abuse them, I take them in the morning, but I'll call him tomorrow and see what he thinks.
  6. I <3 Cannabis

    My Art

    If you actually drew those, then wow. I'm extremely impressed. I live in Ohio, so I couldn't buy any. Have you considered trying to get some of that work published, like in an art museum? That really is good work, keep it up. I'll bookmark your page as well to see your new work.
  7. I <3 Cannabis

    Weird body buzz? No drugs.. Just occured...

    Ok, for this weird reason I got this body buzz. Like the day after I smoke weed I have shortness of breath, but I've never experienced a body buzz quite like this. My whole body is numb, and its vibrating- almost like having a high buzz but without the other effects. Note.. I'm taking Adderall...
  8. I <3 Cannabis

    English Test tommorow- Smoke and Study?

    Oh, I always found it better to smoke then do those papers. My biggest problem is writing enough info, and with some bowls, I can really let my opinions flow without getting too far off topic.
  9. I <3 Cannabis

    English Test tommorow- Smoke and Study?

    Oh yeah, it's a lot easier to express your opinions, and tell people what you think about a subject. The only issue I have is sometimes I get carried with useless details, and I end up turning a 2 page report into 3-4 pages.
  10. I <3 Cannabis

    English Test tommorow- Smoke and Study?

    Well heres what happened I smoked like 5 bowls, not thinking I would get stoned, because I had 2 other people smoking with me, and all I can say is I can't do math for shit when I'm stoned, but I had to write something on Victimless Crimes for my Democracy class, and let me say, best paper I've...
  11. I <3 Cannabis

    My dogs stoned as fuck

    oh wtf dude i almost got him some. man ive got zeppelin ithe basement as well as some homework i owe a date to ;), since the whole reason i didnt go to dinner with my 'rents was to do my hw- that im blowing off. peace.
  12. I <3 Cannabis

    My dogs stoned as fuck

    dude its not great lmfao ive got a huge as fuckin test tommorow and i cant study for shit. its not great, its funny as hell.
  13. I <3 Cannabis

    My dogs stoned as fuck

    nevermind hes all chill now. thanks though. cya on the forums
  14. I <3 Cannabis

    My dogs stoned as fuck

    oh yeah and my parents are coming home soon so like he cant be stoned. we ewrent trying to get him high, but listen, will he be super high?
  15. I <3 Cannabis

    My dogs stoned as fuck

    LISTEN DUDE MY DOG IS FUCKIN RIPPED. IM BEING DEAD HONEST, IM STONED AND I DONT KNOW WHY. HELP PLEASE. WHAT DO I DO HE WONT LEAVE MY SIDE AND WTF HELP. dude dont take this as a joke because its not, i really need help right now.
  16. I <3 Cannabis

    English Test tommorow- Smoke and Study?

    Yeah, I'll probably smoke a little bit, just enough to get me high. No racing thoughts or anything.
  17. I <3 Cannabis

    English Test tommorow- Smoke and Study?

    I have a huge English test tommorow, worth about half my total grade, and I have some bud left over from last night, and I heard it makes you focus, but other people say they can't concentrate. After I study, I'll take a break and do the rest of my homework. Any ideas?
  18. I <3 Cannabis

    Smoking Etiquette

    Yeah, I hate it when you're pretty high, you hit it, and as soon as you do, someone makes you laugh, and you blow the smoke right out. Waste of a hit.
  19. I <3 Cannabis

    The way I'm feeling.

    Yeah, it's pretty funny how you guys make fun of him. Is that guy really jewish?
  20. I <3 Cannabis

    sxephil's you tube channel

    Yeah, his videos are really good. The only one that I didn't care for was the one where he had that guy who made him shave his head. He was a d-bag. Other than that, he's pretty tight.