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  1. H

    what next for my poor plants?

    Start Over!!!!!!!!!
  2. H

    This looking good as it hits its 2nd and a half week?

    This plant is 2 and a half weeks old how does it look. My first indoor grow.:joint:
  3. H

    How is this looking?

    OK i hope this all works out have a nice evening.
  4. H

    How is this looking?

    K what is a good brand to get? And exactly how much do i use? Thanx again!!
  5. H

    How is this looking?

    Thanks 4 the positive feed back northernlights. Also is nutes Nutrients?
  6. H

    How is this looking?

    Should i not even bother with it?
  7. H

    How is this looking?

    Really! It might only be a week or a week and a half. My first time and i didnt keep track.
  8. H

    How is this looking?

    Its about 2 to 3 weeks old. Under 3 cfls in a closet with outside soil and no plant food or nutrients. Under lights 24 hours a day. When should i stop having them on 24 hours and how much should i water? Is there anything else i should be doing or will this work out for me? Thanx 4 the help.
  9. H

    How am i doin so far?????????

    I also need someone to help me with the sex and how to tell if its male or female. Also its in a closet with one blue and one red energy saver lights.
  10. H

    How am i doin so far?????????

    My plant is an indoor plant and is 1 and a half inches high. It has like white crystals on it when i rub them off it emits a very good smell it is still too small but iam just wondering how it sounds goodn or bad?????:confused:
  11. H

    Hi everyone

    I am from michigan and i started my first closet grow. I am really impatient and i need to know how to tell if its male or female. Thank you.
  12. H

    Is this an ok way to grow?

    Well thanx alot 4 ur help
  13. H

    Is this an ok way to grow?

    I have it in a gallon bucket and am using one of those energy saver lights and a fan. My first time grow. The closet is skinny and tall and i have only one plant. Outside soil. Its about an inch and a half tall. The light is 4 inches away from it. Thanx 4 The help.
  14. H

    Growing in my closet

    I have it in a gallon bucket and am using one of those energy saver lights and a fan. My first time grow. The closet is skinny and tall and i have only one plant. Outside soil. Its about an inch and a half tall. The light is 4 inches away from it. Thanx 4 The help. Mine is also growin slow.
  15. H

    Growing in my closet

    I started growing in my closet whats the best way to go about that?