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  1. iHarbinger

    Six Sates To Decide On Marijuana Measures On Election Day : NORML News

    I dream of the day I can grow my cannabis next to my tomatoes, beans, and sunflowers... A Joesph Smith America would likely see against this... But then so would Bronco Bamma. Gary! Gary! Gary!
  2. iHarbinger

    Who has been pulled over while driving high???

    When I went to college in Pennsylvania, the burn run was the #1 way to get 3 friends high on little green and fat blunts were the weapon of choice. So my friends and I are hot boxing the car real good while driving around some residential areas adjacent to the campus, and my jack-ass friend...
  3. iHarbinger

    How To: DWC

    Eh...I would never have standing/uncovered water in a grow room. Way too easy to spread mold with increased humidity. As for keeping the reservoirs and nutrient solution at an acceptable temperature for the roots, environmental control is key. Constant air exchange in the grow room, air...