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  1. S

    execution day

    was supposed to happen 4 days ago. well its the end of the road now bitch!
  2. S

    i love photoshop(shopped images included)

    with photoshop, i can make my shitty buds, look dank. if i used some iguana juice and all of that other crap, i wouldnt need to use photoshop.
  3. S

    4 more weeks

    4 more weeks.
  4. S

    early harvest

    whats the earliest anybody has harvested with great results? im talking about between weeks 7-9 flowering. indica.
  5. S

    oj simpson.....

    found guilty, may be in prison for life. hes gotten away with murder but couldnt get his way out of kidnapping people. justice finally served?
  6. S

    about 12/12

    how about instead of going straight to 12/12, instead making a gradual light change. ie, 18/6, couple days later to 17/7, to 16/8 etc etc to 12/12. has anybody ever experimented?
  7. S

    trimming, pruning, topping ?

    is this always necessary?