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  1. M

    Whats your opinion on my germinating technique?

    last year, I had some really nice dank seeds and I let them germinate untill the cotyledons (first leaves on the plant for the new growers) grew out and the bean casing fell off, and then planted it later on. They grew nice, but I was wondering if id get the same luck if I did this all the time...
  2. M

    Hey I got a quick question

    oh by the way since ive germinated them and put them in a cup with dirt ive given them about 10 milliliters of water every morning.
  3. M

    How often do i water

    hey about how much water should I give a cannabis sprout and how many times a day? Ive been giving them about 10 Ml. of water every morning.
  4. M

    Hey I got a quick question

    Hey this is my second year growing, though last year my plants were dying so I handed them over to a friend to nurse them back to health... I was wondering, Ive got some dank seeds planted, and they are just sprouting, and I wondered how much water should i give them daily?