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  1. upinthemguts

    polyarcturus *5star* general thread

    Your mushrooms are looking nice though man, if I tried to grow them I would end up making anthrax by mistake though. It sounds pretty complicated. Woody x cream sounds like it would be easy to make a sexual reference strain name.
  2. upinthemguts

    polyarcturus *5star* general thread

    I put a couple of my g13/pex cuttings onto a berry bomb root system that I flowered out and stuck a humid dome on top of it. I didn't do anything special, just cut at a node and notched the node with a v and took a cutting from the other plant at a node and shaved it to a point, slid it inside...
  3. upinthemguts

    Ct. teachers busted growing. Police give exact details about power consumption 'Don't talk to the police', James Duane.
  4. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    I shouldn't have said "easy", but my buddy ripped his unloaded glock from my hand quicker than I could blink. He took it easy on me and didn't break my finger, but you're right, it is dangerous to attempt removing a gun from someone's hand, but it is also dangerous having a skitzed out methhead...
  5. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    "What makes your weed grow so well?" "Dead criminal compost!"
  6. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    It's actually very easy to remove a gun from someone's hands when they make the mistake of putting it too close to you, I didn't believe it until my buddy who used to be a cop showed me two manoeuvres officers are trained to use to disarm someone holding a handgun. The first will end up putting...
  7. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    The problem with this mentality is you just helped progress a criminal to the next level. "Hey, I broke into this dudes house with guns and he ran away, man this shit works, maybe next time I will up the odds a little and ______". You feel in the blank, I'm not going to risk having an innocent...
  8. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    This was a very bad job of quoting what I said. I was saying you SHOULD KILL THEM and not wound them.
  9. upinthemguts

    Just how many tokes equates to the 50 nanogram threshold ?

    I use Gatorade not water. I have no evidence to support my theory, but everyone knows you get a ton of salt electrolytes and sugar in Gatorade but water just cleans you out. Flushing your body with Gatorade should have the same effect as water but keeping its own impurities in your system keeps...
  10. upinthemguts

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    Btw, this is why I ported the exhaust from my bucket outside through the attic, which is where all of my exhaust goes. No smell inside. I also use a homemade carbon filter later in the grow when it gets stinky.
  11. upinthemguts

    Police called next door. Could use some advice.

    I made one exactly like that but used the scented potpourri liquid that you use to re scent old or new potpourri I guess. I used fresh linens so that it smells like I am always doing laundry outside if anyone was around my place. It works really well and the bottle is about a liter for $3.00 at...
  12. upinthemguts

    So you want a gun to protect your grow?

    The only problem with this is you can be sued for shooting nd wounding someone, we've all heard the stories before right? I was advised by someone in law enforcement when I was about 17 years old to go for the kill because "dead people don't talk" or sue in this case. I would love to live in a...
  13. upinthemguts

    Bent crazy stem on Mr. Nice Critical Mass. Deformity?

    I had one do that because of my lights before. I didn't have enough blue spectrum light and they stretched out because of it. I did exactly what the first guy said. I just filled the pot with enough coco to go over the little twist and left the loop under the coco. It started growing properly...
  14. upinthemguts

    polyarcturus *5star* general thread

    Man poly... 'Smells like puke in a good way', that will be in someone's signature within a month lol. Ever heard of that strain called cat piss? People say it smells like cat pee in a good way, Lmao, I will stick with fruit smells thank you....
  15. upinthemguts

    polyarcturus *5star* general thread

    Hey poly. I noticed you said you use bailed coco bricks, I do also. I've used some from hydrofarm, botanicare, and root orgy. I like them because they save a lot of room, they're easier to stack in the corner until you need more coco. One thing I noticed about all three I have used was they are...
  16. upinthemguts

    Vinegar used as Ph -

    Idk if this means your water has large particles or what but, my water comes out of tap at 7.5 and doesn't change From filtration, I filter with an on tap pur filter, an under sink filter (ge I think) and a britta pitcher, not only does the ph stay the same, to my surprise the ppm only goes down...
  17. upinthemguts

    RI Medical Grow - 3 1000w on Light Movers

    Looks like you finally moved the airpumps to the floor. I was wondering how long they would be up on your hoods like that. I have to deal with Murphy's law round here, bad luck city. I just saw ( in my head) the 1/4 tubing tangling into a branch and the pump falling over into the other one...
  18. upinthemguts

    Making organic peticides

    I saw two dicks intros thread, you were not one of them. Btw, capcasim (peppers) don't kill some bugs, I planted a garden this past spring and although the aphids which took over my garden didn't touch the jalapenos the grasshoppers (leafhoppers to some) devoured my plants whole, they even...
  19. upinthemguts

    Skunky Munkey Grow 1

    Do you have a jewelers loop? If so can you take a camera phone hold the loop to it and take some close ups? I can't see the trichomes. Looks like a he'll of a yield though. I can't believe that one huge cola. They didn't look that big but it's hard to judge from a picture sometimes. I am in a...
  20. upinthemguts

    Skunky Munkey Grow 1

    What does this strain smell like? I'm guessing spicey like sandlewood?