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  1. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    thanks for the advice i thaught that was the best thing to do,myself...
  2. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    RIU i need to know if its better to try and fix the ph problem or just trans plant???????????
  3. S

    PHing Poll

    man this just got more confusing ph dont ph whats the deal guys....
  4. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    okay guys i bought a meter that test the ph in the guuys where right ph in the soil was way to high it was at a high i also bought something that lowers the ph in the soil(Espoma organic soil acidifier) i hope this i put this on my girls now when i test...
  5. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    okay okay stop banging you're self so had on that keyboard your going to hurt your self...and talking about PH i only check the PH in the water i bring it down to a 6.5 or 7...but i guess thats not the same as the PH in the soil...
  6. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    if take a look at the begining of this thread you can see what i have been feeding this plants as far as the PH in the water i, check it and get it to a 6 or seven all the time....thanks for the epsom salt advise i will try it....
  7. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    im going to get the soil tested tomorrow,but i thought that by fixing the PH in the water that would take care of the PH problem that is why i bught a PH water tester...and i sure will keep you updated...
  8. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    thanks man...appreciate the help and ypu know now that you mention it one plant new growth is real good...HEAT HEAT GO AWAY...LOL...thanks again for the help..
  9. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    tha's cool but any tips on what i can do better...every morning i go out their to check on them leaves are brown yellow and easily fall off....
  10. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    yes...they are off the ground on some little wheels about 3 inches of the ground,but where im at we are having a heat wave would that be the problem..
  11. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    leaves are still falling off everyday guys HELP ME.....
  12. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    the one with handles is a 5 gallon and the one with no handles is a 7 gallon...that's what i thaught their not that big of plants to be rootbound but you think transplanting them would'nt be a good idea...thanks for leting me know about the hydro store of kind of figure that out when he was...
  13. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    when i water i take my time to makesure the water goes all the way thru....or do u think i should get a bigger bag??
  14. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    they are NOT siting on da concrete their on top of some little stands...u just cant see em any other sugg???
  15. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    yes the fert i just posted u know of it????
  16. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    wont misting dem would produce mold????
  17. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    give me a break i have limited space and its my 1st gow...
  18. S

    Can anyone help me here ready to tear dem down

    they guy at hryo store sold me this fert dat he said it was the best one dat he has its call mills A and B i use equal amounts basis A 3-0-6 and basis B 0-4-3.....have u guys ever heard of this or better yet used it and is any good....what u guys think
  19. S

    a couple of questions

    well to start i live in socal long beach area,costal weather..yeah i know wish i would of read those books before buying this lady...da one in pic 1 went to flowering now veging with one blade leaves pic 2and3 just dont grow and da last one is da best one of all of them 1and4 i want to put in a...
  20. S

    a couple of questions

    well come to think of it...when i first got it i got dis idea dat if i prune it i'll do it a favor so i did this how bad did i hurt it guys????this plant in pic 4.thanx guys...