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  1. G

    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    Mayb people fail to post on here because its not a medical marijuana state. i dont know thats just my opinion, but hey we need our meds too. doctor perscribes me all kind of pain pills that i refuse to take. Cannabis is the only thing that works for me. im following this grow till the end so...
  2. G

    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    sorry i wasnt clear enough. i been watching subcool420 on youtube a little over a month now he inspired me to create a acount her at riu lots of great information. i seen your grow and thought it looked very nice. my plants are bagseeds from some dank i had this past winter. sorry i do not have...
  3. G

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    neem oil do i spray in on direct or mix it with water if so how much. will neem oil take care of leafhoppers
  4. G

    Guerrilla Diesel Ryder in South Carolina (and a few Automatic Blueberry)

    beautiful garden man. here in NC my plants are starting to reveg lots of siingle blade leaves growing is this goin to be a problem where would the plant go from here im not sure if its stress or just because the days are getting longer they been outdoors since May. any help would be highly...