Search results

  1. SkyeHighChickie

    Huckleberry "strain"

    I just got off the phone with my MMJ pharm to see what top shelf Indica is available today, he says "Huckleberry" & quotes me a fair price. I'm gonna buy some later today, but am wondering if any of you have heard of it, used it & have any info about it. I'm sure it's a Blueberry decendant, but...
  2. SkyeHighChickie

    Sayin hey there!

    Greetings & salutations to all the members here at RollItUp! I'm looking forward to making new aquaintences here, expanding my knowledge of my most favorite herb (well, tarragon does taste a wee bit better, but does nothing for my head or pains- lol) & it's consumption as well as growth. I am...