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  1. L

    ec problems

    canna aqau and normal tap water i mix part a then b and add the canna root additive also my plants are in veg four weeks old from seed and im using clay pebbles with rockwell cubes. i notice white when my pebbles dry out after ive flooded and drained. my ec has gone up to 1.8 now and was 1.4 48...
  2. L

    ec problems

    hi can some one help my i mix all my newts and set my ec to 1.6 and when i check to ec keeps going up how does this happen also what will stop this
  3. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    just normal tap water and when i mix my newts i use canna aqua and the ec keeps rising what would cause this
  4. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    how would i sort that out ?
  5. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    here are some new pics
  6. L

    newt probz plz help with pics

    here are some new pics i took this morning
  7. L

    newt probz plz help with pics

    hey im new to this and i mixed my newts in a 40litre ebb and flow res and the ec was 1.3 when i was finished with a ph of 5.8 but 24 hours later the ec was 2.2 when i checked so ive added loads of plain tap water which as took it to 1.6 now with a ph of 5.9. can some one help or advice why this...
  8. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    can some one please help me
  9. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    i have watered down the nutrients to a ec of 1.4 ph still 5.9 how long will the take to sort out cheers these are a month old from when i started to germ the seeds do u think these are doing fine?? using canna aqua nutrients also how long do u recommend vegging for has this is my first grow...
  10. L

    Help!!!! Plz

    my leaves have started going yellow at the edges my ec is 1.6 the plants are about 4weeks old in veg ph is 5.9 also why does my ec keep going up every day ?? i am using canna aqua neutrients please some one help me before my 3 babys die!!!
  11. L

    why are my leaves like this

    cheers for you info but i got home and noticed not just the tip but the edges now are also doing this please help is it the light or the neutriants ? im using flood and drain how often should i feed them?? currerntly there are flooded 3 times a day for 5mins. light is currently 1.2m away but ive...
  12. L

    why are my leaves like this

    hey all im new to this just woundering why me leaves have started to curl at the end ill add some pics up my room temp is 27 0c and humiditiy is 50% got a 600w hps 1.2 meters away neutraints are 1.7ec ph of 5.5 temp of neutraints are 21 0c flood and draining them 3 times a day also the...
  13. L

    are these ready to go under hps?

    3weeks to 4weeks old
  14. L

    are these ready to go under hps?

    and how long more veggin do u reckon ? and its a hps duel spectrom lamp. what should the humidity be?
  15. L

    are these ready to go under hps?

    hey all im new to this are my plants ready to go under 600w hps currently under a 125w cfl blue. the humidity goes from 28% to 50% any ideas of how to high this ? and how much longer veggin before flower ? all input and advice needed
  16. L

    Help New at this!!

    what ec should my soulltion be ? and how often should i flood and drain? also how often does the reserviour need the soultion changing? i will keep the 125w untill weekend then change over to 600w
  17. L

    Help New at this!!

    yes im using flood and drain system with clay pebbles how many times should i flood them and at what intervals? also do i keep the nutreiants at ec of 5 ?
  18. L

    Help New at this!!

    cheers for all your information.... i have got temp at 27.2 got the fan heater away from the plants so its not facing them also linked it to a thermostat so i can keep the room at around 27 and humity is 70% i have the plants in a humitidy dome running a 125watt cfl veg light just woundering...
  19. L

    Help New at this!!

    do you know what the brown is caused by on the leaves ? cheers
  20. L

    Help New at this!!

    i dont spray them ive got sum pics managed to get a heater and get temp up to 27 and humiditiy up to 75% also these are two week old since i started germinating i think there rather small, please help on this.