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  1. Woomeister

    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

    Fan leaf removal will not, I repeat NOT help your grow. Light will penetrate the leaves...
  2. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    Boom, boom, boom...
  3. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    invalidate your insurance
  4. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    swallowing bananas whole.
  5. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    to the busty
  6. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    needs a wiggle
  7. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    lost for words,
  8. Woomeister

    International threat levels.

    for those that missed this one..BUMP!
  9. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    the other day
  10. Woomeister

    how to grow weed

    Yes but arrid, even the OU checks your shoulders for chips!
  11. Woomeister

    Curvy green leaves??????

    If you are growing in soil then use the old method of poking your finger in the pot up to your knuckle, if it feels totally dry give it some water. I am pretty anti Miracle grow as they contain slow release chemicals which arent always relevant in quantity or timing to your plants growth stage...
  12. Woomeister

    Curvy green leaves??????

    Overdose of water shows signs of clawing first, followed by tip and margin burn if nutes are in the water. Please give the nitrogen thing a break. The plants are NOT yellow, it is the lights, as he stated in post 1!!! Do some research into 'rootball deoxygenation'...I have 20 years growing...
  13. Woomeister

    Disasters in Gulf Coast, West Virginia Spur Calls for Criminal Prosecutions

    <LI id=crumb1 sizcache="2" sizset="51">Environment <LI id=crumb2 sizcache="2" sizset="52">Oil spills Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill. The US and Europe ignore it The Deepwater Horizon disaster caused headlines around the world, yet the people who live in the Niger delta have had to...
  14. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    You mean women!
  15. Woomeister

    how to grow weed

    it was an observation, not an attack. My comment about being naive has been PROVEN with the comment you make that 'EVERYONE' in the house will know i'm move amigo!
  16. Woomeister

    Curvy green leaves??????

    Personally I would say you are overwatering, which in turn means it is being overfed. Please ignore the comments about Nitrogen from the noobs. If you post your growing medium and pot size then I can advise on a feeding schedule. Woo
  17. Woomeister

    Curvy green leaves??????

    They do not need Nitrogen^^^^^^^. Feeding schedule please?
  18. Woomeister

    how to grow weed

    sorry uk grower but I think you are an underage, naive wannabee....
  19. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    anyone for tea?
  20. Woomeister

    3 Word Story

    cant catch fish