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  1. tarynx3

    Smoking Mothers?

    Oh yes, there are some things that just can't be discussed on facebook! Sometimes I think people go into a thread when they think its one thats gonna get jumped and say something negative. Basically thinking others will agree with them and than continue to tear the person apart. Ive seen it on...
  2. tarynx3

    It is at my dad's house right now, I will be going there soon and I will get a picture. I have a...

    It is at my dad's house right now, I will be going there soon and I will get a picture. I have a one-of-a-kind hello kitty clock. :) I made it in wood shop back in 8th grade, but its pretty nifty! I still need to finish painting it!
  3. tarynx3

    Oh I am doing just splendid! And how are you?

    Oh I am doing just splendid! And how are you?
  4. tarynx3

    Well, hello there. ;)

    Well, hello there. ;)
  5. tarynx3

    Smoking Mothers?

    Hahah. Thank you. :) I'd much prefer MJ over prescriptions. I had a c-section so they gave me percocets, 600mg ibprofen, and tylonal 3's I took them in the hospital but I would always fall asleep within 10 minutes of taking them and it was hard to try to keep myself up and take care of her. 1...
  6. tarynx3

    Thanks! The same goes to you too! You have a wonderful personality from what I can tell! Oh and...

    Thanks! The same goes to you too! You have a wonderful personality from what I can tell! Oh and I have noticed you like Hello Kitty? If I could show you my hello kitty collection.. oh my goodness. :)
  7. tarynx3

    Smoking Mothers?

    I didn't see that this went into a second page. But thanks. I will be careful! I know better than to blab my mouth to people about what I do on my personal time. I figure since none of you know my location or my full name it doesn't matter here. :) But only my boyfriend and [close] friends know...
  8. tarynx3

    How to make pot brownies.

    I am really glad I read this. Me and my boyfriend were discussing making brownies this weekend or a cake. But we decided to go with brownies because of the use of butter. Which after reading this I know that brownies don't use butter lol. I should have known that too, I just made regular...
  9. tarynx3

    Haha, I know! Me and my boyfriend talked about that. Being high and playing with children kinda...

    Haha, I know! Me and my boyfriend talked about that. Being high and playing with children kinda brings your imagination out along with theirs. I know I am more willing to use my imagination when I am high whether it is for simple or artistic purposes! I can't wait! :)
  10. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    :( I am not dumb. I am just not very educated when it comes to planting. I fail miserably.
  11. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Hahah. I am assuming thats because of all the preservatives that are in it. Yum. I love me some pre-ser-va-tives(Thats me speaking in the most hillbilly tone that I can. :) )
  12. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Hey you never know. Maybe you just plant the filling, or maybe its just the outside?
  13. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Do you think throwing a twinkie in the ground will produce the plant? Hmm. Looks like I have a new science experiment. ;)
  14. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    It does kind of look like a bush, but I think that tanish brown spot is a fence.. which would make the plant tall. But than again I really can't tell.
  15. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Oh. Boy. I guess I will have to go buy a box of twinkies now. :P
  16. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Liar! Find me a picture of a twinkie tree and I will try one.
  17. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Pfft! I was 5 years old! Anything that seemed "magical" was a-okay with me. :P I haven't had a twinkie since 1st grade. After I found out they actually didn't grow on trees they didn't seem worth it to me. :) But if they did grow on trees, I'd give them another try.
  18. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    My 1st grade teacher made me believe twinkies grew on trees.. but i caught on to her trickery.
  19. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Bahahah. Oh my, chevy took that a little far. That's funny.
  20. tarynx3

    "World Ending in Dec 2012"

    Did not watch the superbowl. Was it one if the commercials?