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  1. G

    Senate passes cannabis decriminalization bill in Illinois!

    Finally Illinois will give fines for possesion of up to 15 grams as soon as the Governor signs the bill,read what MPP said today Ill. Senate passes cannabis decriminalization bill! Please ask the governor to sign the bill and make it law Dear xxxx: Rep. Kelly Cassidy’s bill, which would...
  2. G

    3 Week Seedling Flowered Why? No Pics

    This happened to me about 2 weeks ago before putting my girls outdoors,Has anyone had a young seedling flower before when only 3 weeks old,wardrobe box was efficient,running floro in light tight box with correct everything to my standards,18/6 light on/off,growing in seed starter mix{all...
  3. G

    D.C. Just Decriminalized Marijuana! Another Victory

    Today, the Washington, D.C. City Council voted to decriminalize marijuana possession! The bill, which goes into effect this summer, replaces criminal penalties of up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine with a civil penalty (similar to a parking ticket) of $25 for possession of up to an...