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  1. N

    Purple kush plant healthy or not???

    ill do that :) when i water them today ill see how much weight is added and then lost
  2. N

    Purple kush plant healthy or not???

    when i water it it drains slightly out of the bottom thats good right?? and its miracle grow fertilizer i should just not use it??
  3. N

    Purple kush plant healthy or not???

    heeeey everyone this is my first plant i have it under 3 CFLs and its in miracle grow potting soil and is being fed low amounts of fertilizer does it look ok??
  4. N

    Purple kush plant just started growing

    My CFLS are now abould 4 inches when i first started off they were further tho
  5. N

    Purple kush plant just started growing

    Hi, this is my first plant ive really started growing just asking for some input on how it looks if its doing ok right now i have 2 CFL light down near it. The stems slightly crooked is that ok? up for all advice im a strudent thought so i don't have tons of money.... thanks
  6. N

    Purple kush plant just started growing

    Sorry wrong thread how dio you delete the post? ill add it to the proper thread
  7. N

    Purple kush plant just started growing

    Hi, this is my first plant ive really started growing just asking for some input on how it looks if its doing ok right now i have 2 CFL light down near it. The stems slightly crooked is that ok? up for all advice im a strudent thought so i don't have tons of money.... thanks :)