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  1. L


    Thanks. Can you tell me how to cure it? Or send me a link, thanks.
  2. L


    If I have 2 plants budding up, shouldnt I smell somthing? They dont smell!!!! :-?
  3. L

    Can you pick and smoke?

    Is there anyway you can pick a bud off before its ready and smoke it? I heard it is if you put it in the oven for a while (with oven off). anyone?????
  4. L

    What Happend????!!?!?!

    What happend???!?!!?! I changed my rez yesterday with 6.5 ph water, and when I wake up I got this!!!! What happend??? Anyone?
  5. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Yep, only one and I would be mad as shit if it comes out a male. Anyway I was thinking of buying a bin, some more pumps and tubing, and a better medium so I can grow like 6 more. I love the fast results.:joint::mrgreen: I was thinking to let this plant grow for a month and then let it flower...
  6. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Thats good to know but I dont think Its that serious. I will probably have to smoke like 100 plants grown in those conditions, in order to get led posion. This is just a little experiment all my next water grows will be with the proper grow medium. But that was good to know anyway. Here are some...
  7. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Yea, I think I should leave the marbles because all the roots are already all through out the bottom holes and through out the marbles. I think if I try to take the marbles out I will break some roots. Should I leave them or still try to switch to hydroton pebbels?
  8. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    lol. I didnt think the marbles were going to work out but they are working pretty good.
  9. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Thanks man, I cant wait to see how this turns out too.:hump:Here goes my water baby at 11 days.:mrgreen: I think shes looking good. Im changing the rez Tomorrow. Tell me what you guys think, anything I can be doing to get better results? </IMG></IMG>
  10. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    well, this is how my plant looks now. The plant keeps doubling in size everyday. It has some nice big leaves on it. the ph level is at 6.0 . I still havent recieved my Hydroton but it seems like the marbles are doing just fine. Do you think the marbles will eventually affect the plant in a bad...
  11. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    yea.. I understand. Im just use to saying that because Hydro is called hydro or Dro here. Hydro is not labled by strain.
  12. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    Thanks for the help, you tought me somthing new. So that means every bag of weed I buy is from a hermie plant. Because theres alwalys at least 1 or 2 seeds in it. No matter where I go to buy it. Unless I buy hydro:hump:. Thats my favorite!! Thanks for the help again.
  13. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    Oh, so if I take some really good bag seed and grow it really good when I harvest I can call it hydro? Because where im from if you have weed that has a potient smell and no seeds they call that hydro or haze. If I have all female plants none of them will produce seed right? so I can say its...
  14. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Early in the morning its at 7.0 and in the afternoon its at 6.0
  15. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    That was great info! So that means as long as I have no males I will have no seeds.:mrgreen: not even a couple? I thought the only type of weed that didnt produce seed was Hydro. I just learned somthing new.
  16. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Thanks man, I think its coming out pretty good too for my first hydro grow. I just need all the help I can get to guide me through this. I dont know anything about growing in water. My Ph level alwalys goes form 6.0 to 7.0, I dont know why.
  17. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    Well I started feeding nutes 2 days ago, and the plant seems to love it. Its some really good bagseed I bought. 4 seeds out of a whole oz! My water Ph level is 7.0. Right now I have her(hopefully) under a 100 watt CfL(Soft white). The nutrients im using ar called VIGORO and FLORA BLOOM. I put a...
  18. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    I have another question. Do female weed plants produce seeds at all?
  19. L

    My First Hydro Journal

    This is my first hydro grow. I have a 5 gallon bubbler. Right now im using marbles as my medium but im waiting on my Hydroton. My plant is a week old. This is my first hydro grow so any help and advice would be greatly appricated. My plant seems to be growing very fast. It doubles in size...
  20. L

    Haze VS Hydro

    Ohhhh... LoL thanks. I thought Haze was grown differently. I didnt know it was just a strain.